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tw// mentions of overdose

Dream had spent Friday hoping George would come back to the company, though he never did. The blonde is still mad at Sapnap for turning George away, but he still forgives his idiot of a best friend.

It is now around 10:30 p.m., and Dream is bored. His sleep schedule has been pretty fucked up recently, so sleep isn't necessarily an option for him.

His thoughts race and all he can think about is George. He's worried about the brunette, and has contemplated calling him all day. He had decided not to because he didn't want to upset George or just get hurt even more. The whole situation is complicated.

Dream practically jumps when his phone starts to ring. It's George.

He contemplates answering it, then decides to give in.

"Hello?" Dream says to the boy on the other end.

"Hi," George says, and Dream can tell his voice is strained. There is a brief silence when neither of them know what to say.

"I heard you came to the company yesterday," Dream says.

"Yeah," George says, sounding upset.

"Okay what's wrong? Why did you call me?" Dream asks after the awkwardness subsides.

"I wanted to apologize to you," George says, and his words are slightly slurred. "I wanted to do it in person but I'm in a bit of a situation right now."

"George, are you drunk?" Dream asks, unable to tell.

"Something like that," George lets out a chuckle, and Dream hears a loud crash on his end and things falling.

"What was that?" Dream asks at the sudden sound.

"Nothing, I fell," George says, the blonde not convinced. "Anyways I just wanted to tell you that I didn't mean to hurt you," he pauses for a second, sounding slightly out of breath. "And that I'm sorry."

"Why are you telling me this now?" Dream asks.

"I just thought you should know. I don't want to leave you thinking I was a horrible person that meant to hurt and betray you," George laughs, but the laughter dies on his tongue.

Now, Dream is worried, especially remembering Niki's words about how she's scared for him as well. "What do you mean by leaving me?"

"Nothing nothing," George says quietly. "I don't have much time, Dream, and there's something else I need to tell you."

"Why don't you have much time? And what else do you need to tell me?" Dream asks, concern evident in his voice.

"It's hard for me to say because I know how you'll respond," George sighs, ignoring Dream's first question.

"Please tell me, George, you're scaring me," Dream says, listening to George's panicking voice. He doesn't know what to do, remembering how Niki said he might be in danger. Is this George's way of reaching out for help? Is something wrong? Dream doesn't even know how to ask.

"I love you," George says, and Dream has to physically pinch himself to confirm this is real. He doesn't believe what he had just heard. There's no way the brunette actually loves him. "I don't expect you to reciprocate, you don't even have to say anything, I just had to tell you. I had to tell you before I—"

George cuts himself off with a sigh, and Dream hears another crash in the background. He doesn't even have half the mind to reply to George saying he loves him, now too concerned than anything. "What's going on, George? Are you alright? Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?"

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