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tw// mentions of overdose

The next few days pass by achingly slow.

There has been no progress in George's condition, but it also hasn't worsened, so Dream has to be grateful for at least that much. Monday and Tuesday he decided to work from the hospital on his laptop, texting Sapnap whenever he needed anything done.

Wednesday, though, Dream is not the only one visiting George. Today, Alex shows up unexpectedly.

"Alex?" Dream says as the man walks in, and Alex looks at him in confusion as well.

"Dream? What are you doing here man?" He asks, and both of them are confused for the same reasons. Both of them believes the other is still mad at George.

"I've been staying with George since Friday, what are you doing here?" Dream asks, hoping Alex isn't here to spite George or anything.

"Niki told me he's here and that he overdosed. We made up a few days ago, I wasn't expecting something to happen to him," Alex says, moving to sit on the couch across from the bed. Dream and Alex sit in silence for a couple of moments, lost in thought as they look at George's pitiful state.

"We messed up, man," Dream says after the silence.

"Tell me about it," Alex sighs. "I realized after George told me how he only took the plans to keep you safe that I fucked up in believing he was in the wrong."

"What?" Dream says, and Alex's eyes widen upon realizing that he accidentally said this out loud, and to Dream of all people.

"Did he not tell you what happened?" Alex asks, seemingly guilty for spilling the truth. Dream shakes his head and Alex face palms. "Shit, I wasn't supposed to say anything."

"Well you did," Dream rolls his eyes. "So you might as well tell me the truth."

Alex sighs and returns to looking Dream in the eyes. "Basically, George was being threatened by Phil, as always, and was told that if he didn't steal the plans, Phil would completely ruin your life and company, Dream. And that's not even to mention what he would do to George."

Dream takes in the information and starts to feel a new emotion, guilt. Extreme guilt. Sure, he had felt guilty beforehand, but now it's even worse. Now, it's a new feeling that seems to completely tear him apart from the inside out. Now, Dream questions everything.

"Please don't tell him I told you when he wakes up, he'll hate me," Alex says.

Dream nods but stays quiet for a little bit longer. He realizes that all this time he's been mad at George, pushing him away and yelling at him, when everything he had done was to help the blonde. He feels like a shitty person for not waiting and hearing George out when he was ready.

"God, Alex, I'm such a shitty person," Dream says, putting his head in his hands and leaning on the bed. His eyes rake over George's sleeping, seemingly peaceful, body and he's overtaken with guilt.

"You're not a shitty person, Dream. You had every right to react the way you did. It was just a misunderstanding, okay?" Alex tries to reassure Dream in the same way he had reassured himself days prior.

"But the misunderstanding caused him to be here, unconscious in a hospital bed. This is partly my fault, I should've helped him. I should've listened, but I didn't. I kicked him out of my house and ignored his cries for help," Dream says, letting his frustration and honesty out into the air. Alex stays quiet for a moment, then moves to sit next to Dream. He puts an arm around Dream as an act of comfort, one that Dream doesn't find himself hating, and sighs.

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