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After being kicked out, George spends nearly twenty minutes simply walking around town.

He spends this time thinking about various things. He thinks about Dream, about his father, everything. George hadn't expected Dream to react so harshly, and he honestly has no clue what to do now. He's depended on people for so long, first was his family, then Dream. So now what?

George's first thought is to get drunk at a club and probably fuck some random guy, but now he can't do that. He has the most important documents with him that he can't lose sight of for even one second. Even if he is sad right now, he's not dumb, and he knows what he needs to do. He needs to find somewhere to hide the documents and go back to square one.

But he doesn't want to. George doesn't want to just leave and forget about Dream. He wants to go back and explain everything, but can't.

George decides to call Alex, hoping he can stay at his house for a while, but after three whole calls and two texts, there is no response. He figures Alex is out somewhere drunk or something. Now, George truly has nowhere to go, and there's no way in hell he's going back to his family's house.

So that leaves one person. Bad.

"Hello?" Bad's voice rings through the phone, filling George with hope.

"Hey, what are you up to?" George asks, hoping the man isn't busy.

"Just waiting for Skeppy to get home, why what's up?" Bad asks.

"I was just wondering if I may be able to stay at your house for the night? I know we're not close and it's probably super awkward of me to ask, but I don't have anywhere to stay tonight and my bank account wouldn't appreciate me staying at a hotel," George says, hoping he doesn't sound like some homeless dude, although technically that's what he is.

The brunette would've stayed at a hotel had his father not almost completely drained his bank account last week.

"Oh," Bad says, and for a moment George feels like he's about to be turned away. "Of course you can stay here for the night! Skeppy and I have a guest room that's usually only used for relatives that stay in town, so you're more than welcome to use it!"

"Really? Thank you so much Bad," George finds himself beaming in gratitude, and suddenly feels guilty for even thinking about being happy right now when he's made Dream so angry.

"No problem, I'll text you my address," Bad says. George huns in agreement and the call ends, Bad texting him shortly after.

George puts the address into his phone and navigates his way to Bad's house. Upon arrival, he finds that it is a small, cute ranch home. He walks up and knocks on the door, to which it is opened nearly seconds later.

"George, come in," Bad smiles, moving over to let the Brit inside. "Welcome to my humble abode! It's not much, but it's Skeppy and I's first home so I love it."

George finds himself smiling at the words and nods, walking in. He wonders if maybe one day he and Dream will live together like this.

No, stop it.

He scolds his mind and forces Dream out of his thoughts.

"Skeppy will be back within the next couple hours so you'll be able to meet him tonight," Bad says excitedly. "Follow me and I'll give you a quick tour."

George tries his hardest to sound excited when talking to Bad, but just can't. The tour itself is quite quick, lasting nearly ten minutes in total as the house isn't huge. George finds the atmosphere to be homely and pleasant, but the feeling isn't the same as Dream's. At Dream's house he feels safe and happy, but here he can't avoid his guilt and everything seems colder.

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