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The morning after Dream stood George up, the brunette had gotten a mysterious text.

Unknown number: I know you're with Dream

George hadn't responded at first, not recognizing the number at all, until they messaged again.

Unknown number: Come back, or else

Okay, that gives George a bit of an idea on who this person is. It's probably one of the family members, likely Wilbur or Phil, maybe Niki though. The question is, how did they find out he was with Dream?

George goes into where he hid the box and picks it up, inspecting it for anything that may give his location away. Instead of finding a tracker, though, he finds a small microphone in the corner that he had missed before.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," George says, crushing the small object with his foot and the floor. "This scheming bitch."

George is pissed now, and he expects to hear more from this unknown person.


This brings George to where he is now, standing in his room talking angrily with his father.

"What do you want?" George answers with.

"I want you to come back, George," Phil says. "We all miss you dearly."

"That's bullshit and you know it," George laughs.

"George come on, you don't belong with Dream. He's an evil person, and whatever feelings are between you two, they don't matter to him. He's a businessman, and I'm trying to protect you before your secrets come out that will destroy you, son," Phil says, seeming slightly genuine. George doesn't want to believe it.

"Don't call me that," George snaps. "You don't know him like I do. He's a human before a businessman, something you never were."

"George," Phil sighs into the phone. "I can help you see it. Steal his business plans and bring them to me. If he finds out and gets mad, he doesn't truly care about you and would spill your secrets in a heartbeat."

"I'm not doing that," George says, thinking about the worst outcomes.

"Regardless of intentions, you're getting me those documents," Phil pauses for a second then continues. "I know more than you think. How else would I have known you're with him?"

"I'm not fucking stupid, I know what you did," George says.

"Ah, I had a feeling you'd find the microphone eventually. Too bad I already know enough to ruin Dream," Phil laughs.

"You wouldn't," George says angrily, now pissed at his father.

"Oh I would," Phil says. "It's simple, you get me those documents or I will destroy Dream's company and life. You have until the end of the week, my dear son."

Phil hangs up leaving George speechless and angry. There's no way in hell he's stealing Dream's business plans, that'll crush him. He knows how hard Dream has been working on them. Though, more damage will be done if he doesn't steal them. His father is a powerful man, George knows that, so what the hell does he do?

It seems the only option Phil is giving that will protect Dream requires George hurting him in some way. It's frustrating because the Brit knows what his father is capable of.

George goes to sleep that night with too much on his mind.


The next few days proceed as normal, with George continuously in Sapnap's office listening to him and Karl's shameless flirting time after time. He wonders if the two of them are together.

Business Affairs // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now