The beginning

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Hi so if you're reading this I wait to say thank you so much if you were the one who did the book cover thank you it looks beautiful

Ochako pov

Today me and deku are going to see Mina. I'm so happy I'm jump of joy I haven't seen her since she got married to kirishima almost a year ago. The letter she sent said she pregnant and will giving birth in about 4 weeks so deku is following me to the dragon kingdom to stay with her till then.

The thing is since kirishima is the dragon of prince bakugo I'll have to deal with him. It not that I hate him it just he hates deku and his always yelling not to mention his bad temper apart from that I like him as a friend.

I head a knock at the door.


"Hey ochako, the horse's are ready we can go now" he said with a smile

"Sure thing let me just get my things I'll be back in a sec" I run back in to get my things and we were off

I noticed that deku was thinking about something or someone.

"Hey deku" I said with a hint of worry in my voice.

"Hmm what up" he said looking a little confused.

"Are you ok you look like your thinking of something, like more than usual"

"Oh it nothing"

I knew it was something so pick up my pace and got in front of deku's horse stopping it in it tracks

"What the...."

"...your thinking about Melissa again right"

"Yeah"he replied with a hint of sadness

"I feel bad maybe you should just go back and I'll go by myself the dragon kingdom isn't that far just 2 to 3 day I'll be fine" I said with a smile "besides if you go bakugo will just start yelling and I don't really enjoy him yelling"

"Ok this is what going to happen am going to go with you to the dragon kingdom and a day after I'll go back to the village sound good"

"Yeah, sounds great " I looked up at the sky to see it was almost dark "we better get going it almost dark and we still haven't found a place to set up camp"

I kicked me horse by the side causing it to start running again

"Wait for me" deku said as he followed.

I smiled and said "better keep up or will never get to the dragon kingdom " and then I started running well technically my horse ran but you know what I mean.

Meanwhile in the dragon kingdom

Bakugo pov

I kinda liked her I mean she's so sweet, kind, strong not to mention round face so beautiful it brings a smile to my face.

Then the thought of her being alone with deku... No she's not like that at all she's...

A knock came from the my door

"Who the hell is it"

And some guys voice replied "sorry to bother you my prince but the queen sent for you"

"What the hell does she want now"

"I don't know my prince the king and queen are wanting in the Tron room"

"Fine I'll be out in a minute"

"Yes my prince I'll go tell the queen"I head some footsteps so I'm guessing his gone

What those the old hag want now

When I walk into the Tron room the hag started yelling

"KASUIK WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG" yup that my hag of a mother


She came down to me and wacked me on the head

"OH BE QUITE AND LISTEN" the look on her face scared me she the only thing on Earth that scares me.

My dad started "we are worried your dragon as a wife so when are you going to get one"

"Maybe we should get you one"the hag added


"Well, do you have someone in mind" my dad asked

I didn't say a word but the hag said"even if he did I'm sure she won't aspect him"and then busted into laughter

Man did it make me anger because out of nowhere I yelled "SHUT UP I have you know I have a girlfriend and she's coming to visit in a few days" when realized what I said I knew I was so fucked but I can't take it back or there will be more trouble

Both my parents were shook to hear me "really when? "the hag asked ever so joyfully

"In a few days" God damnit why can't I just shut up

"I'm so happy my little prince finally found his queen" she gave me a tight hug

"Get the hell for me you old hag"I said while pulling away from the hug

"Sorry I'm just so happy any way we need to prepare a fest with dancing, sing, celebrations and food lots of food! and and..."the old hag kept talking

"I have a girlfriend not a fucking god I'll just invite her to dinner okay"

"Fine"the hag replied.

I walked out of what felt like he'll only to see kirishima resting on the wall.

"What is it" I asked

"I wanted to see if I could have the rest for the day off to be with Mina , someone told me you be here so I decided to wait for you and I kinda head everything" he explained

"You were listening" I yelled

"No but your family isn't exactly quiet" he said rubbing the back of his neck. He paused for a while "bakugo what will you do now knowing your mom she not going to leave you alone"

"That my business"I began to walk away with my hands in my pocket "you can leave if you want go be with your wife" is all I said as I walked into my room.

Well I did it 1015 words I've never written a story before so I hope you like it :,-)

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