chapter 9

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Hey my exams are coming up so pray for me also I might not post of a while so enjoy 😊

No one POV

When ochako  woke up it had finally stopped rain.

"Come on cheeks we gotta get going I'm not spending the night here" he said removing his cape and wearing it.

"Like you know if it still day" she said robing her eyes, which to bakugo was so fucking cute.

She got up and they're off. They walked in  silence of about an hour but not the weird kind of silence the peaceful one. But bakugo had a feeling they were being watch.

"No way!" Ochako screamed caching bakugo by surprise.

"What, what is it?" He said taking a defective stance.

"It a hot spring can we swim"

"Hell no, we made enough stops as it is. These was supposed to be a two day walk BUT THIS IS THE FUCKING FOURTH" he yelled out the last part.

"You don't have to be so mean about it" she said looking down at the ground sounding a little hurt.

"*Sign* look sorry for yelling it just I don't like this place"

"Can we just stay for ten minutes and I promise not to make us stop again please kasuki it  rained and I'm really cold,if you don't want to swim at least watch me please please please"

He could take it anymore she was too cute.

"Fucking fine but you have only ten minutes"

"Thank you" she gave him a hug and started to take off her clothes. Bakugo was frozen by the sudden act,then at that point he realized she was practically naked wearing only her pink underwear and bra. He still couldn't take his eyes off her,she looked good , almost too good… and then she got in

"You coming kasuki the water good"

"Yeah sure" he thought the water would cool him down.

When he got into the water in is black boxes ochako couldn't take her eyes off . His body was even nicer than she remembered it made her blushed a little and she quickly looked away.

"What?" Bakugo asked then swam up to her.

"Nothing, just you look really good"

He would have blushed more if he hadn't felt like someone was watching them. 

Not too far away

"Come on please dabi just a little she looks so good bet her blood is too maybe even better" said the blonde haired girl with messy double bund and yellow eyes.

"For the last time Toga no, shigaraki said we should observe and report back nothing else" replied the he man with blue eyes,dark purple hair and so much scares you think he was burnt alive.

"Fine, let go home"

They got to their base. It's  just a pile of rocks on the outside but on the inside it's like an apartment a little dark but not too much.

"Twice!" Toga screamed as she ran up too a man wearing a black and grey mask.

"Wifey!" He hugged her back

"How was it, tell me everything"

"We'll bakugo is still the same but he as a pretty girl with and dabi didn't let me take her blood"

"Now now toga, you know it was observe and report only but tell me about this girl" said a man with blue hair, skin so dry you think he doesn't know about lotion and he spoke in a screechy voice.

"It nice to say you too shigaraki and go ask dabi I'm busy" she said walking into a room followed by twice.

"Tch, since those two got together they just won't let each other go"

"Let them have it, it hard to find love when you're like us"said dabi

"I suppose so, now tell me about this girl bakugo was traveling with do you think she good enough for master"


In the room with Toga and Twice

Twice is lying on the bed cuddling with Toga

"Hey wifey"


"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For staying with me, I mean my head spit into two if I take off my mask and everyone called me crazy but you and the league you didn't, thank you"

She placed her hand on his cheek "Twice I don't think you crazy and I like you mask it looks cute besides if you're crazy what I'm I , I'm the one who as a problem with blood"

"Your the must beautiful girl I've ever seen" he placed his hand on hers "that reminds me I got you a little gift" said twice as he opened the box on the side table next to the bed and brought out a golden knife diamonds spelling out 'T&T'.

"Wow twice it beautiful how did you get this"

"I have my ways"

She was so happy that she kissed him a little too deep

Back at the main room

"I see she sounds just like what master need thank you dabi" shigaraki said with the a smirk.

Hey I know short I don't know why but it like  when I try all I write is something short but I really like the chapter hope you do too😊

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