chapter 20

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Bakugo POV

I let her wolverine lead the way even when I knew exactly where we there going and exactly what they wanted. When I got to the front of their terory I took ochako staff and left the wolverine behind.

I wake in not to dip into their terory when a man in Black Rob appeared

"Great warrior it an honour to meet you, I take it you know we have your lover to get her back-"

"Cut the crap I know what you want the answer is no you better give me back ochako or else"

"Great warrior I am well aware you don't give entry threat but know your frail  little lover is in our hands"

I couldn't help the smirk appearing on my face
"Frail? She's a lot of things" I  said getting into a stands "BUT FRAIL ISN'T ONE OF THEM" I said charging that him.

Ochako POV

'After being with this man I noticed something yes that it the key to my escape'

As we walk into the wall we appeared in a where all the people who kidnapped me kneed before man no he was a cross brid he had every fiture of a man expect his eyes and nose.

"Master I brought the girl" the man in the mask said

"I see, he does have a fine taste in women she almost too perfect" he said in a dip voice that sent a shiver down my spine.

"How long will the memory spell take"

"About an hour plus I need to know when exactly her memory of him started"

He just nodded and look at me with the weirdest smile

'How old was this man anyway he looked older than my dad and he wanted to replace kasuki'

The very thought was discussing enough to give me some movement around my fingers.

I was taken to another room for the spell.

"Okay let begin la-" before he could get another word out I  round-house-kicked him and he fell unconscious

"I thought you were strong but who knew you couldn't even do a double spell" and with that I started to run the way I came trying me best to follow the mental map I made of the place.
(Okay let me explain because he couldn't do a double spell he had to undo one to do another and that's when she had a chance to strike)

I ran as fast as I could if I remember correctly this is the last turn I'll make before running straight down. Then I heard footsteps it's sounds like someone running my way there nowhere to hide so all I can do is fight and hope I win. I got into a stand ready to strike the sound got louder and louder till the person made the turn and as if I was under a spell a couldn't move my heart was pounding could it be



Another perfect place to end with a part 2

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