chapter 11

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Ochako POV

Bakugo stop in front of a house it  was small in fact it looked like a hut

"Hey cheeks"


"We're here"

"Wow, bakugo it looks…"

"Tch, here"

"What that"


I looked at the necklace it was made of obsidians with a shield craft into it and then it hit me

"You mean…"

"You beat your fucking ass it is"

Bakugo rode towards the house and walk into a force field so I quickly wore the necklace and walked in after him.

On the top of a nearby hill

One one POV

"I see, she is beautiful" said shigaraki

"Ya but that magic force field is to strong to break even of me"said Mr compress who wore a black and white masks with a yellow coat, red gloves, black hat, white boots and a staff that doubled as a walking stick.

"Who said we going to break it" said shigaraki with a smile you only see on Toga.

Back to bakugo and uraraka

Ochako POV

The necklace bakugo gave me allowed me to pass through the force field it called berial key.

Okay so now we are in his real house and it looks really breathe taking, the exterior design was nice painted in a beautiful Orange and black , very and I mean very little toughs to pink something I never in a million years think he would add  but what really impressing me is the garden it covered about twenty miles, had a little fish pond and other stuff.

"Wow bakugo it's so beautiful not that I expected anything less"

"Like you said I'm the fucking best" I  chuckled little. He lead us to the stable not to far from the main building after which he let me feed the wolverines and then we were off to the house.

The inside of the house we not to different for the outside but you could clearly see it belongs to a barbarian.

"Ok listen up cheeks, we are obviously in the living room the bedroom are down the hall, each has it own bathroom, the kitchen is over there, the gym is right next to my bedroom and your workshop is next to yours got all that" I just nodded.

"Good" then he started walking to what I thought was he's room and then stopping to say "oh I forgot, everything you need has already been provided in your room" he didn't look at me due probably because what he said was werid and he didn't want to answer any questions. I went into my room it was painted pink I like but had no idea why bakugo had a room like this and what was even werider is that all the clothes there exactly my size but I decided to shug it off. It wasn't that late the moon just a little after sun set. I was about to take a shower I was all ready in my underwear about taking it off, my bra already unhooked when I heard the door swing open I turn to look.

No one POV

"Hey cheeks do you wanna…" bakugo stop dead in his truck was he saw the basically naked ochako his face turn bright red and his eyes couldn't help but check her out he finally snipped out of it when she screamed he jumped and ran out slamming the door shut.


"How was I supposed to know you come in without knocking"

"Well it my fucking house and I do whatever I want to fuck do"

"Why do you come anyway?"

"I wanted to tell you there no hot in your room so you could use mine for today and LOCK THE FUCKING DOOR this time"

"Hmm okay"

Bakugo went back to his room and lied no his bed thinking about what just happened her beautiful skin, shiny hair, nice curves and… ' Fuck I'm think like that purple-perv-ball '. It was a good thing she screamed when she did if not he would had let his body get the best of him. ' fuck I need to get her out of my head'  and just like that he heard a knock on the door.

"*Knock* bakugo can I come in" ochako said in a low monotone voice

"Yah sure" he immediately regretted say that cause she walk in a towel as short as the night down his mum gave her. When he bought the towel she was a little shorter so this was never his intentions with her head lowered she asked

"Where's the bathroom"

He pointed she to the bathroom,when he thought of bring her he never thought of all this happened, he need a cool shower and fast. Since she was in his bathroom he decided to use hers.

He got a towel and walked into her bathroom, turn on the shower, took a long shower and got lost in thought so much that he didn't hear someone come and open the door. Now it was ochako turn to stare she could see his red cheeks her eyes travelled down to his chest then to his packs and…

"WHAT THE FUCK CHEEKS" with that she immediately slum the door

"WHY ARE YOU IN THERE" she screamed from the other side of the door

"You there in my fucking bathroom and I need fucking shower"

"Well you could have told me"

"Well fuck it" he tied a towel and walked out of the room.

They both stay in bed not knowing what to say.

'Fuck this' bakugo thought to himself he knew it was all his fault not that he ever admit it 'but maybe for cheeks I might FUCK'

He got up, walk to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. He made some of uraraka's favorite as an apology.

Ochako POV

I was lying on my bed thinking of what to say to bakugo when I smelt something delicious then I realized I had eaten all day and it currently 10:50pm. I practically ran to the living room I only just realized  bakugo would be there. We locked eyes for a split second before I looked away.

"Hmm you hungry cheeks"

I simply nodded in response and sat down to eat. He serviced me before sitting across from me to eat as well. We eat as in silence.

"Hmm… it really nice bakugo you're such a good chef" I said while gaining the strength to put on a smile

"Tch yeah" he said with his eyes still on his plate. He mumbled something but I didn't really catch it.

"Sorry bakugo what did you say"

"*Hiss* I SAID I'M FUCKING SORRY…" he then turned away but I could still see his blush "fuck sorry for walking into you room without knocking and for taking a shower in your bathroom without telling you okay"

I could hear in his voice he wasn't comfortable so I did what came to mind. I got up and gave him a hug.

"What the fuck cheeks"

"I just thought you needed one"

"Tch whatever" he hugged back

"Eat up cheeks I got something planned for tomorrow"

"Okay" I said with a big smile.

I was so happy he wasn't angry that me. I don't know why but I hate it when bakugo is mad that me it makes me feel werid.

You guys don't Know how long and hard for me to write this chapter I'm a Christian and I already feel bad about using fuck in my book but was a little to much for me also don't expect any lemons. 1273 words  I'm back in business. Remember GOD loves you and so do I 😘.

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