chapter 13 part 2

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Ochako POV
I blushed madly it currently morning and I'm still trying to understand how I got into this situations

Bakugo POV

When I wake up I didn't bother to open my eyes. My pillow was fluffier, squeeshier and warmer than usual so I cuddle it a little tighter. Than I heard it rapid heart race then it hit me.


I shot up only to see cheeks so red if you put shitty hair and ice hot hair together it still won't be able to match up to her face.

"Hmm I-I am… h-how long have I been like that" I say as cool as I can but it no use because of the massive blush on my face

"I-i well hmm m-maybe a couple of hours" and with that my blushed increased.


"Well I'm sorry of worrying about king exploring murder sleep when clearly he doesn't need it" she was so pissed but sounded a little hurt. She got up and was about leaving my room when she got to door to turn her head to say to me.

"Thanks for keeping me warm and by the way you look pretty nice when you sleep"

Before she could leave my room my legs ran to hug her from behind.

"I'm sorry cheeks I'm an ass hole for yelling at you like that" I let the word role out of my mouth

"Yeah you are"

I chuckled a little before saying "let go eat breakfast I'll cook whatever you want"

Ochako POV

After breakfast bakugo said he wanted to work out and that he would be in the gym room next to his bedroom he also said I could take a shower in his room. After I took a shower and got dress I decided to go to the workshop bakugo was talking about, he said it was next to my room and that I'm free to use it whenever I want.

When I open the door to the workshop I lost my breath of a sec.

'Its an enchanted room'

An enchanted room will look small no the outside but on the inside it can be as big as a large scale forest. It was amazing with dozens of books on spells, magical creatures and anything else you could think of some of the aren't even sold anymore while others are super rare and expensive. There was also almost all the materials you could need for any potion. But what really cut my eyes was the copy of the book 'every wizard way' the book was made by the first wizard and was continued by his descendants, the book was so special only royal wiard and rich people who could get it and I was none of the above. I felt bad for touching it but I push those feeling aside.

I quickly decided I would do a multiplecation spell I tried it on a bottle it work so I kept them in an emty dresser. I went to my room to do the same spell on my blanket and it worked. I was so happy with my result I removed my wizard ball from the top of my staff and put it in the same dresser as I did the bottles for safe keeping and when to thanks bakugo.

When I got to bakugo's gym door I knocked no it but there was no answer so I opened it and of course gym was also in an enchanted room it had plenty of space for jugging and running there where lots of other things in there to like a pushing bag, an enchanted battle dummy and lots more but what cut my eyes was to battle ground that looked like the one me and bakugo fought on. My eyes trailed to bakugo who was lifting weights that the not to far corner of the room. I saw as he determined creamzin  eyes looked at nothing in particular while lifting some really heavy weights as his sweat filled his tank top making him look more handsome. I blushing and stearing that him. But when he turn to look at me my heart skipped a beat.

"What the hell cheeks"

"I'm sorry for bothering you I just wanted to say thank you for the workshop it amazing better than I ever imagined  I love it"

"You're welcome but you still haven't told me why you where fucking stearing at me" he said dropping the weights and walking to stand close to me

"Well I didn't w-want to disturb you" I said looking away in attempt to avoid his glaze.

"But you did any other reason" he said hands on his hips getting even closer to me. I was about to give up and say I was actually checking him out when I smelt something. It smelt like…FIRE


We rushed out to see the fire coming from my room. Bakugo lucky put out the fire when we got in everything and I mean everything was burnt to ashes lucky my staff and spell book weren't in there.

"I'm sorry bakugo I don't know how this happened"

"It's okay cheeks"

"Maybe I can cast a revised spell" I particularly ran to the workshop when I got a familiar smell. I opened the door to see the dresser at had my wizard ball in ashes. I looked at my massive spell book like it had the answer to all my questions and yet it did. I looked at the spell I casted one more time then realized I been saying it all wrong and that why the fire broke out.

"stupid stupid stupid you can even get a simple multiplecation spell right now look you burnt your wizard ball bakugo will probably think your a weakling" I started to tear up warm tears rolling down my cheeks.   "Can't you do anything right ba- no kasuki gave you so much and what did you do you burn the room down stupid! Stupid!! Stupid!!!" I cried out even louder  when I felt a pair of eyes stirring at me.

Bakugo POV

I saw cheeks scolding herself. I felt so mad it just a fuck room I can always remake it. It not like anything important. It not worth her priceless tears.

"STOP CRYING YOU DUMP FUCK IT NOT LIKE WHERE ANYTHING IMPORTANT IN THERE" I let out a sign and cupped her cheeks  "look if this about the room these no need to cry okay, so you messed up a spell nothing new in there" I said with smirk which made her puff out are cheeks. It looked so cute. I wiped the tears off her cheeks.

"But I-"

"But nothing if it about your wizard ball I'll cancel everything I have planned onto we get you a new one"

My crimson eyes lock with her brown once. They look so grateful so thankful so…loving.

'maybe I'm over thinking this'

She hugged me and mumered something into my chest.

"What was that cheeks didn't quite get you" I said in a whisper

"I said thank you any girl will be lucky to have you" her said snuggling deeper into my chest

"Well you have me so I guess your lucky"

"I guess I am" she said in a sweet whisper.

We stayed like that for  a while not one of us wanting to let go. I was happy know that she didn't want to let go of me.

'one day you'll be mine and I'll never let you go'

I thought this was going to be a part 2 but it became a full on chapter 😂 o well. Hope you like it. Remember GOD loves you and so do I ❤️

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