chapter 12

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Ochako POV

I wake up to the sound of bakugo banging on my door and when I up it I saw an already dressed bakugo.

"What the fuck cheeks your still sleeping IT ALMOST 10 IN THE MORNING"

"Sorry bakugo just, the bed is really comfy and I was so exhausted" I said still half asleep

"Tch whatever, just get dressed breakfast is ready"

That got me right up 'bakugo is such an amazing cook I wonder what he made' my mouth began to water. I slammed the door on bakugo and ran into the shower. The shower was freezing cold but the thought of bakugo cooking kept me warm, when I opened the walk in closet I saw a good number of my regular outfit. I had so questions but didn't want to look ungrateful. I put it on and took one last look in the wall size mirror then bursted out to the dinning room. I guess bakugo liked cooking cause he preparing about four different meal just for the two for us.

"Wow bakugo!, Is this really just for us"

"What do you mean it just breakfast"

"Maybe for you but for me it a feast" I took a big chunk of food and it tastes amazing "wow bakugo when you get a real girlfriend you  should cook for her I'm sure she'll love it" I said still with a mouth full.

"Tch, yeah but right now you are my girlfriend so eat up"

I don't know why but hearing bakugo say that made me feel kinda happy.

"So what are we doing today?" I said after swallowing the last bit of food in my mouth.

"Today not much just going to show you around my house sits in about ten hectares or more of land don't know can't remember"

I nearly shocked on nothing an how his his he so chill 'if I had an acre of land my parent won't have working so hard not to talk of hectares'

"Earth to cheeks can you hear me"

"Oh!, Sorry bakugo I was just lost in thought. Wow ten hectares is really so what"

"Yeah sure, anyway today won't be as exciting as tomorrow"

"Can we start with your garden it looked really pretty please?"

"Sure but it a really big one "

"But still I want to check it out"  I said begging him with puppy dog eyes

"Yeah whatever we'll go after breakfast"

"Thanks!" I got up and gave him a big hug, he jumped a little form my sudden act, he don't hug me back but he didn't push me away either.

That the garden
Bakugo POV

"Wow bakugo it prettier than I expected"

"What do you mean are you trying to say I CAN'T CARE OF A FUCKING GARDEN"

"Forget it and show me around you promised" she said begging me with her puppy dog eyes

'fuck this girl will be the dead of me'

"I never promised anything but sure" I replied then turn my head away to blush.

I showed her around until we got to a special place in my garden.

" Bakugo what liked of flowers are those" she said pulling my arm and point to a very unique set of flowers.

"Dragon Lily" I answered with a straight face

"What are those?"

"Fuck it round face. When the first dragon king found the first dragon nest he discovered a flower, it was regarded as the dragon kingdom secret flower ever since in fact, only royals are allowed to grow them, the only time normal people get to use it are no  weddings and they have to be somehow related to a the dragon kingdom. It look like a Lily, smelt like fire. It as three basic colours orange in the inner part of it's petal, red on the outer and splash of blue all over"

"Wow bakugo that so cool" I could see how bright she became it was almost blinding.

"Tch" I said then I plucked one and was about putting it on her hair

"Bakugo!, You said that was a secret flowers so how could you just pluck it like that?"

"Like I said I'm a fucking prince so I can if I want to also-" I slipped the flower behind her ear "it looks pretty on you" I said in a whisper slightly kissing her ear. I had a blush but she was completely red as a tomato

"BAKUGO!, You need to stop doing that"

"Doing what?"

"Teasing me like that-" her lowered her head to continue to speak " if…I mean this is all over and you get a girlfriend a real one how will you explain all this to her"

I wanted to tell her then and there it was her,she was the girlfriend- no she was the wife I always wanted. Anger felld my chest knowing it was not the right time but one thing due why did she sound hurt.

"Tch" I brought her in for a hug and said "I not going to date a jealous bicth who can't let go of the past" she just giggled in reply


We got to the end of my garden also my favorite part.

"Wow, you have a hot spring too. How many times are you going to keep surprising me"

"Tch, whatever we going to swim or are you just going to stare that it"


"Or" I grabbed her by the waist and whispered "we can go swim on my bed" I teased.

"NO!"  She yelled and out of instinct her stuff let a some blast with hit me.


"I'm sorry, I'm so stupid you just teased me and I blasted you I'm sorry no wonder why he-" she put her hand over her mouth before she could go any further

"He what?"

"Nothing let me hill that" she placed her staff on top of my bruise, mumered a spell and with a little pink ligth my bruise was gone. Even if it was a few seconds it felt like hours. Looking that are with her beautiful eyes so forced on hilling me, so soft but yet so strong

'one day I'll make you mine that a promise'  I thought

'one day I'll make you mine that a promise'  I thought

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"Thanks, it not like it actually hurt but still"

"Your welcome, now come on we can come back here anytime but now I just want to see the rest of house"

"Yeah sure"

We walked back to the house hold hands I had a small smile on my face wishing these two weeks will never end.

Hey everyone hope you like this as much as I do 1113 word .
Also sorry for any misspelt words English isn't exactly my thing
Remember GOD loves you 😊 always have always will.

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