chapter 21

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Bakugo's POV

Ochako wasn't in bed when I almost jumped at the fear of them taking her again but calmed down when she walked in with a tray of I guessed was breakfast.

"Good morning kasuki"

"Cheeks what's going on?" Usually she prefers me cooking and after yesterday I'm surprised she even got up.

"I just wanted to make you breakfast to thank you for saving me your so sweet" she says as she puts the tray down

"Cut the crap I know what your trying to do and hint it not working, also"  I grabbed her cheeks and begin to pull on it "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE I TOLD YOU TO STAY DIDN'T I"

"Hm sury Kasi plise let go of my chis" she mumbled making it hard to stay mad at her.

"I need the full story AND IT BETTER BE A GOOD ONE"

"Well you see…" she explained the full story and I was kinda…hurt

'is that how thinks of me'


"Hmm?" I look down to see her face, she looked like she could cry any minute now.

"I'm so sorry for not trusting you I know you won't admit i hurt your feelings not until hell freezes over at list but I just wanted to say that I love you I really mean it"

I paused for a second I don't really know how to take that in she loved me. I smiled softly then give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Now that how you apologies"

"Your not mad anymore?"

"Not anymore but don't mean your off the hook yet"

"Why I'm I not surprised" she said before lupine up for a hug. I smiled this girl is going to be the death of me.

"Get your stuff two weeks are almost over and the hag told me I have to be back early for some stupid ball"

"Okay when we get back I guess I'll just stay at Mina's till it's over"

"And why the fuck will you?"

"I don't want to get in the way of your ball"

"You still don't get it *sign* your coming to the ball as my date"

"Oh hehe sorry I didn't know"

"Well you should I want the entire kingdom to know your mine"

Time skip back at Mina's house (because I'm to lazy to write their way back)

No one POV

"So your telling me that a dragon baby doesn't take nine months but TWO YEARS!" Ochako said in shock almost spealing the tea Momo made her.

"Stop yell she still pregnant" tsu said

"Forget her you have the real gossip" Toru jestured it was always hard to tell what she was doing but eventually the got used to it.

"Hurtful but true slip it" mina said.

"Yeah you tamed the Savage beast know as Prince Bakugo Kasuki" Jiro cut in from the kitchen where she was helping Momo

"MY kasuki is not a beast and why everyone coming at me aren't Momo and todoroki getting married in a few months" ochako bark.

"You've really spent to much time with bakugo but how are you and todoroki doing with the wedding plans ribbit?" tsu asked. Ochako was just happy the topic wasn't her.

Momo slightly blushed "Yes me and shoto are doing just fine he proposed last week and we're getting married in the next two months from now. His sister is taking care of the preparation. His dad doesn't approve due he said a married between a knight and a prince didn't sound as good as marring a princess with higher status even if shoto said he doesn't care I still feel like I'm going something wrong" Momo explained.

"I know how you feel Momo at list your a respectable knight with a family of high status I'm just a simple mage from a small village but kasuki still loves me and that all that matters I'm sure todoroki feels the same" ochako said patting Momo on the back.

"Hey let's go shopping for the ball I know your all invited" mina said trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Yeah I could use a dress" Jiro said.

"I already prepared a dress but there's no harm in getting another one I like" Momo said

"Me too" tsu and toru said in Union then laugh it off.

"I don't know guys maybe I should wear something in the closet kasuki gave me I mean I ha-" ochako said but was cut off by mina

"WHAT! listen ochako the ball was just a trick to publicly say you and bakugo's relationship you can't just wear anything" mina interrupted.

"But I-" ochako was cut off again.

"No but I'm taking you to all the best shop in this royal capital and lucky for you  his mom owned at list 78% of them plus she personal ask me to dress you up she said you might be shy so if you don't glow like the moon I'm gonna get it" mina explained

"Usually I don't but I agree with mina and if you don't comply mina might get in trouble with the Queen, ribbit" tsu add. Ochako just signed knowing there no way to get out of this.

"Fine let get going then" she said and they all cheered. Ochako wondered if it was pregnancy that made mina more hyperactive than usual and if so how does kirishima survive.

Meanwhile the boy where at the kings tarban.

"I'm really happy for you and Momo todoroki" deku said taking and sip of beer.

"Thanks I heard you and malissa are getting along" replied todoroki

Deku slightly blushed "we are and thanks again for allowing being me to be your best man it's a true honor"

"If I don't make you my best man I would have had to settle for bakugo" todoroki said bluntly.

"THE FUCK YOU JUST SAY ICYHOT I MAKE A FUCKING FABULOUS BEST MAN JUST ASK SHITTY HAIR" bakugo barked. The Kirishma in question pasted out about half an hour ago berly finishing his glass of beer.

"His out can't blame him due having a pregnant mina isn't exactly what I call easy"said kaminari. Bakugo had to give it to him even knew having mina close was a chore on it own but getting married and having her pregnant was a whole different level of torture he was surprised he wasn't in a comma yet.

"That reminds me I heard you and uradaka got together" said sero

Sato and Koda were talking well Sato was doing much of the talking. Evey body else were just doing there thing so nobody was really paying attention to them.

"Yeah so what"

"So I'm happy for guys"

"Tch" is all he responded he thought he talk with kirishima about it do it looks like he go to have to wait he signed and they all continue to drink in comfortable silence.

Hey everyone take the muti update as my apologies love you and so does GOD bye :,-)

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