(Sith) Qui Gon Jinn X Reader

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(Sorry if this is short but I hope you like it.)

"What ever is the matter Y/N?" He asked as he slowly approached you cutting off the light coming in from the hall you tried to speak but you were too stunned. Qui Gon the man you've loved for far too long revealed himself to really be a Sith Lord I mean yeah you both are Jedi or he was and you loved him because of how caring and loving he was with you and young Obi Wan. You refused to believe it you almost threatened to leave him but he wouldn't let you anyways if that was the case he'd hunt you down till he had you cornered and in his grasp. "You can't be" you choke out "but I am, let us return home my darling" he says warmly but it doesn't feel welcoming at all not anymore as he reaches for you quickly you duck his arms and rush out of the room. He sighs "pup I really wish you'd stop this and listen to me..." He growls before begining to follow you and you had no clue how long you could run for especially from Qui Gon. You stopped for a brief moment while he was out of sight and to catch your breath before you got shoved against a wall in the hallway you gasp and your eyes started to water. Qui Gon looked down at you with a soft smirk "you're so adorable when you are scared pup, but your fear isn't what I'm after..." He says as his grip on your wrists tighten causing you to wince in pain.

Qui Gon then makes it to where he's got both of your wrists pinned with one hand then presses against you slightly "you're making it very hard to keep my patients Y/N, I am not going to hurt you I didn't know how else to get you here without making up an assignment I know these halls where as you don't..." He starts. "I couldn't have you running off at the temple, telling everyone especially Obi Wan" he breathes "be lucky you didn't run into Dooku while running from me" he says grasping your chin "I swore to him I'd have you under control when I told you this" he says annoyed. Then he notices you keep trying to refocus your vision "Y/N? Oh dear seems I pushed you a bit to hard... it's best we get you to my chambers then" he says as you slowly start to drop quickly he holds you up and sighs. "I had a feeling that was going to happen..." He says before swinging you over his shoulder and heading down a hallway "oh dear, she fainted? What did you do Qui Gon?" Dooku asks stunned as Qui Gon turns a corner with you.

He sighs annoyed "yes, she did this all was a lot to take in of course" he says sounding dickish as he passes Dooku and continues to his chambers with and unconscious you he carefully layed you onto his bed and made sure he had your lightsaber on him already. He sighed really wishing this had gone differently he never would you of course but he didn't need to getting knocked unconscious "and what about young Kenobi?" Dooku asked entering the room. "As far as he knows I am dead and unless he tried investigating my death we leave him alive" Qui Gon replies dryly "and what if you must kill him" "It won't come to that, I shall keep training him as our Master requested" Qui Gon quickly says with some nervousy in his tone. You shifted slightly in your sleep alerting Dooku "you better get those cuffs on her..." Dooku hints before leaving the both of you Qui Gon sighs and gets the jedi proof cuffs out of his nightstand drawer a pair for your ankles too just to be safe. "I'm sorry my love but it is for the best, for now" he says quietly he went to a dresser and pulled out a darker set of clothing you were starting to recover but instead of noticing your half bare lover you noticed the cuffs "what the..." You started. "Hm?" He turns around pulling on his shirt "oh, you're awake" he says calmly "the hell is going on Qui Gon?" You asked angrily as you tried to sit up "what is going on is you finding out who I really am, I've been a Sith Lord as long as you've known me" he says approaching the bed.

"The whole time? And to think I loved you, loved the lie..." You say to yourself "oh no pup, my love for you always was real and it still is I just feared you wouldn't love the real me" he tells you. "Don't you love the real me?" He asks  you look away refusing to admit he was right you do still love him you couldn't not love him it may shatter your heart "I-I love you" you tell him shakily "I-I always will" you added he holds a hand against your cheek. "Good girl" he says before gently kissing you he then used the force to break your cuffs "we won't need those anymore" he says as he wipes your eyes you hide your face against his chest shaking once more. "Don't be frightened pup, no one can harm you here" he whispers "even I would never dare harm you" he says "you know that, don't you?" He asks softly as he gets you to look at him. "You will find the dark side to be much more..." He paused for a moment "desirable" he said darkly before trapping you into a kiss you attempted pushing him away but the grip he had on your wrists prevented that. Your eyes were wide with fear but and orangish yellow swirled itself into your eyes as he pulled away "better?" He asked with a smirk you had a psychotic glint in your eyes. "Much better my beloved, so where do we start?" You asked wrapping your arms around him and Qui Gon doing the same to your waist "first we must report to our Master" Qui Gon says with an eager look in his own eyes as he began to pull away and walk with you.

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