Palpatine x reader 2 P2

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You woke up to him facing you still asleep you smiled slightly before sitting up and stretching with one of his arms around you still his eyes fluttered open. "Morning already?" He yawns rubbing his eyes you nod "afraid so Sheev" you say popping your back he sighs "well at least they haven't found us..." he says as he sits up and you hear something hit the ground looking to where Sheev moved from. You tilt your head "Sheev, why do you have a lightsaber?" You ask picking it up and he internally cringes "shit..." He breathes "wait this belongs to a Sith Lord, why do you have it?" You ask him concerned and curious mostly curious. He's currently trying to find the right words to explain this "Sheev, are you a Sith Lord?" You ask as he sighs "yes my love i am" he says not regretting telling you. "Wait, are you Sidius?" You ask sadly not having your comlink he looks away "Sheev be honest with me" you say grabbing his hand. He smiles slightly "I am he, but no one else knows other than you" he says sweetly "not even the other Lords or Senators?" He nods. "What are you planning?" You ask him he sighs "now that i cannot tell you, not yet anyway" he says holding a hand to your cheek you nod putting your hand over his "i won't tell" you say as you two are interrupted by the sound of battle droids. "Bounty Hunter! Come out with your hands up and the Chancellor!" One of the droids demanded Sheev grabs your hand and shakes his head no you sigh "we don't have much of a choice" you tell him before you start walking he sighs and follows you. "That's close enough" a Droid says as several step closer surrounding you two Sheev then steps in front of you "she isn't part of this, whatever issue you Droids have with me you'll deal with me" you smile slightly he's willing to risk his life for yours.

"Get back beside her" a Droid commands then a miracle happened Clones started firing from above you and Sheev ducked and stuck close together during this. Some shrapnel had gone flying and while you two were trying to shield each other Palpatine instantly noticed you fall to the ground "Y/N!" He gasps kneeling beside you and helping you sit up eyes widen at the large piece of droid scrap in your side. "Oh dear..." He says before using the force while no one is looking to take out the metal piece he tears part of his robes off and applies pressure to cease the bleeding. The firing ends and you get hauled onto the ship and under medical examination Sheevs heart was pounding he wanted to use his unlimited power to help you but you needed to be by yourself in your room. Too much excitement could be harmful to you and no one could find this out about him having these powers later the medical droid told everyone the status of your condition while on the way home. "That should be me in there not her..." Sheev says to himself "she is one of the most reckless, but the bravest" Anakin says standing beside him "she'll pull through, she always does I've seen her suffer far worse and there she is like nothing happened" he adds. "That wound looked angry though...i wish to repay her in any way i can..." He says with a sigh "seems she was injured even before we found you two Chancellor and someone happened to patch her up before hand too" the Chancellor stays silent Anakin snickers "beg your pardon Chancellor but it seems to me you have fallen for Y/N" he sighs. "I'm only worried, she risked a lot to keep me alive i fear it should've been me risking my life for hers" Kenobi approaches the both of them "it's strange how she recovers like she does, it's like she isn't afraid to die but knows she won't?" Kenobi hesitantly says.

A few more hours had passed and they took you to the medical sector after reaching home for further examination if an infection has started, needing a blood transfusion, and who knows maybe some later lung issues. The wound got cleaned and covered while on the way home and the bleeding had stopped you clotted oddly quick stitches were definitely needed though Anakin was telling your survival stories to the Chancellor he was curious and impressed. He'd fallen even harder for you now. You had gotten stitched up but still passed out from the shock Anakin, Obi "Mom" Kenobi, and of course the Chancellor kept checking on you for the course of the day and the following night. It was late when you started to wake up trying to sit up wasn't an option as you hissed in pain trying to do so the medical droid came in telling you that you needed to lay down. You asked the droid what happened they explained what they were told from The Chancellor whom entered the room a while after you had been awake. "Y/N!, Oh thank goodness you're alright" you smile slightly and nod "Anakin i assume told you my battle stories?" You ask weakly "every single one" he says stepping closer to your bed side. "So shrapnel got lodged in my side?" You ask "yes i managed to pull it out and suppress the bleeding" he tells you putting his hand over yours "thank you for that, and my god what time is it?" "It's...late" he replies "then why are you up?" You ask him. "Well me along with two Jedi of yours have been checking in on you obsessively or excessively all day and night" he says tiredly "Sheev you should go home and rest, I'm fine" he rolls his eyes "tell that to Obi Mom..." You snicker "Anakin let you in on that?" You ask with a smile "yes he told me it started after you and Anakin got in to trouble several times and Master Kenobi was the one who had to deal with you two" he says not surprised. "Well to be fair i said Obi Mom when he asked if we understood what we had done i mean it was a risky move what had happened but we survived" you tell him.

Sheev chuckles "you replied with yes Obi Mom? How didn't he kill you?" He asks "now that i couldn't tell you, I'm the sister Anakin has always wanted?" You hesitantly reply. "Oh that makes it worse doesn't it?" He asks as you smile "a little, since me and him have almost died everytime I work with him" he sighs "Anakin was right you are reckless..." He points out. "So is he, Anakin is not ANY better" you tell him "so, should we talk what happened back on the other planet?" He asks "what do you mean?" You respond "about what we did, i personally want to be about about us but if you want to keep it hidden..." You sigh "we aren't Padme and Anakin we dont to have to keep it hidden" you tell him attempting to sit up on your own. "You know?" He asks "of course I do, Anakin can't lie to me for shit" you tell Sheev he laughs and helps you fully sit up a bit better "oh i called it as soon as they returned from Naboo together" he whispers. You snicker "when they came back he knew I knew something happened" you tell him "did he try to deny it?" Palpatine asks "oh yeah, then Padme said Anakin, it's clear she knows stop denying it just to get him to stop" you tell him. "Hey there's our girl..." Anakin says entering the room "how are you feeling sis?" He asks "sore as you were not being granted master" you smirk slightly and he sighs "okay only because you are injured I won't hit you" he says keeping his cool. "No but seriously I'm super sore, a death stick would come in handy right about now" they both laugh "go dark why don't you..." Anakin says not believing your words "Obi mom still worried?" You ask "well yes and no, he knows you'll pull through like always but he is Obi mom" Anakin replies not joking. You nod "seems legit..." You say getting ready to get out of your hospital bed "easy Y/N..." Anakin says trying to help you as you stand without a problem.

"Relax Ani, you knew i was going to be okay" you tell him "Y/N thank god you're alright..." Obi mom...i mean Obi Wan says as he enters the room "Obi you knew i was going to be fine..." You huff. "Doesn't mean i can't worry" he says with a smile "how do you feel though?" He asks "i i need a drink" Anakin facepalms "please tell me you don't drink..." Obi says with a chuckle. "Perhaps we should get her home and settled in? Since she appears to be doing so well..." Sheev says hoping they let him take you home with him "well nothing we can do if she's standing up right..." Obi Wan says in agreement. "I-i'd like to speak to The Chancellor alone if that's alright...?" You hesitantly ask Anakin knows what's up but Obi Wan has no idea "sure Y/N, let us know if we need to get you home" Anakin says pulling on Obi Wans arm "yes do let us know Y/N, stay well" Obi Wan says leaving with Anakin. "Are you okay with coming home with me?" Sheev asks looking in the direction of where they left from "100%" you say looking in the same direction. As you two exit the medical wing Anakin was just explaining what happened between her and Sheev on the other planet and did not say a word when they saw you and Sheev holding hands Cody walks by them "called it" he says going to check on a couple of his fellow commanders. Sheev along with you continued to his home and to take this relationship forward and stick together for awhile. 

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