Palpatine x reader

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You, Kenobi, and Windu all stood speaking with the Chancellor discussing who would be good choice to go with him as his guard while he is away visiting an old friend. "I assure you Master Jedi's Y/N is who i believe should go with me she is swift and agile enough to keep hidden and keep up" Kenobi and Windu look to each other then nod "very well Chancellor, Y/N you may stay back and discuss a plan with The Chancellor" you nod as him and Obi Wan leave. The Chancellor smiles a little "now my dear, do they know?" He whispers "no, no one is even suspicious" you reply letting him pull you into a hug "excellent" he says taking one of your hands in his. "Finally, I'll get my little master jedi all to myself for awhile" he says kissing the back of your hand you pull away "later Palpatine, not here my love" you whisper. He nods "right right, later perhaps we should both get to packing?" You sigh "yes, probably what's best Chancellor" you say walking off he smirks a little before leaving to go to his chambers. You sigh reaching yours aw hell you both knew it was wrong but The Chancellor seemed to not care, he loved you and he knew it how you fell for him you still don't know but you love him. Yes everyone was fine with Padme and Ani somehow pretty sure Palpatine got everyone to drop the hype Ani is still a Jedi but you do have a brutal past that may make them think otherwise about you. Also the fact Anakin is kinda your twin brother but didn't get taken when he did to become a Jedi you became a force using bounty hunter for awhile till Ani and Obi found you also you were force sensitive at a young age also ran away when Ani left and your mom taken. But you told Ani anything and everything you needed to tell him personally also he knows of the relationship, yay but Ani was never one to snitch you'd kill him he knows that much.

There was then a knock at the door "enter" you say "hey sis" oh fuck no not Ani "so i heard you get to go on a little vacation with Palpatine" he says smugly "Anakin Skywalker i will destroy you! Don't let anyone hear you, geez" you say annoyed. He chuckles "sorry sis, didn't mean to say it that loudly" you sigh "Ani you were always a loud mouth..." He sighs "ah yes that i was" he says like a smart ass "but yes i am going with him, he doesn't trust anyone other than you or me" you point out. He nods "true, very true well be careful anyways okay?" You sigh "yes mother Ani i will be" he chuckles pulling you into a hug "i hate you" he mutters "i hate you too Ani" you reply in the same tone. He then leaves after the hug and you hoist your bag over your shoulder and head down the hall and to where the ship is taking you two to Naboo. Palpatine was visiting an old friend but with Dookus latest reign of terror it would be safer to take a Jedi with and obviously he took this as an opportunity to get you to himself for awhile. Windu, Kenobi, and Plo Koon were waiting with the Chancellor while he waited for you once you reached them you were greeted and said fairwell to before boarding with Palpatine. You also had no idea who this friend was, no one knew but only knew he meant a lot to Palpy he however noticed you were a little tense after take off.

"Darling relax, were way away from them no need to hide your feelings now" he says taking your hand "Y-your right, you always are" you laugh a little "you are nervous my dear, but why?" He asks kissing each knuckle. "If they find out you and i are together... that's what has been bothering me" he sighs "Y/N, if they find out i shall handle it" he reassures you sigh "i know but what will i do if i get interrogated first?" He chuckles "tell them, just tell them how it is you know perhaps you should rest along the way my darling" you think for a moment and agree. "Yes, perhaps i just need a little extra rest" you say and he guides you to lean on him as you doze off once we was positive you were dead asleep he activated his comlink "ah, my master are you on your way?" Count Dooku had asked. "Uh yes i am Dooku an-..." "Oh are you going to finally tell your little Jedi?" He teases "more so i am going to show her" he growls back at Dooku "well we are prepared for your arrival my master, see you soon" Palpatine nodded and tucked the link away. "I know you won't love me any different darling, you'll see my vision and be there for me" he whispers to your sleeping form he sighs petting your hair "it's for the better, a new future for everyone" he says. Several hours had passed and you began to shift in your sleep "we there yet?" You ask rubbing your eyes he chuckles "no my darling, not yet" he says calmly "ugh, what can we do to kill time?" You groan he laughs a little. "How you are as serious of a Jedi as you are, you can be such a child sometimes love" you giggle "I'd be boring if i wasn't Palpatine..." He smiles "i agree darling" he takes your hand again.

"You know i haven't gotten a single kiss from you this whole trip..." He teases you roll your eyes "fine, you want a kiss?" He leans closer as you sit up. He holds your chin up with his index finger and smirks slightly "oh you know I'd love nothing more than those lips on mine" he says before kissing you. "Mh..." He pulls away slightly "i do wish we didn't have to hide it" he says "i know, but they'd never allow it even if i wasn't a Jedi Master" you say he chuckles "but you are, you'd even make a wonderful Sith Lord" he half jokes you smile a little. "Really? You think i could be that terrifying? I'm no Count Dooku that's for sure" you say he smiles "no, you are Y/N L/N powerful Jedi Master" you giggle "powerful huh?" You ask he nods "yes indeed, i strongly believe it Y/N" he says giving your hand a squeeze. "With all my heart" he adds you smile a little "Y/N my darling, if i were to tell you something a little disturbing about myself would you still love me?" He asks you sigh and roll your eyes "Palpatine of course I'd still love you, nothing could deter me from you" you say reassuringly as you kiss his cheek. "Good, once we get to my dear friend there is something i need to tell you or...rather show you" he says calmly "why can't you tell me now?" You ask giving his hand a squeeze "well...are you sure you want to know now?" He asks a little nervously. "I don't see why not Palpatine, but if you want to wait I'm fine with that too" you say sweetly "no no perhaps i should tell you now" he says "please don't think of me any different my love, for i am Darth Sidious" you stare confused.

"Wh-what? No, can't be" you sit up a little uneasy and scoot away sorta he sighs "i am Y/N, believe me i am he" he says "you can't be... you're lying" you say breathless. "Oh and my friend happens to be Dooku he is waiting for us" you gasp reaching for your comlink "darling I'm not stupid..." He says flatly "you, I can't believe you why?" You ask scared "I've always been this way ever since we first met" he says taking your hand in a tight grip. "No you were sweet and loving when we first met" you argue "i still am, i love you more than anything Y/N please don't leave me because of who i am love is love regardless" he says with pleading eyes. That look always got you each and everytime he used it, you really do love him but he's truly a monster he is the senate so there is no point going to them for help Jedi would be more concerned about you being with him. You sigh and look back up at him "Palpatine i still love you and always will but if anyone finds out about you being Sidious i know nothing understood?" He smiles and nods "of course, this doesn't leave us" he says positively. You bite your lip instantly regretting your words and yet a promise to the first man you fell in love with he could tell you were uneasy and now stressing you'd see things his way soon enough.

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