Dooku x daughter reader

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"Anakin no!" You cry as he has your father on his knees and a lightsaber on both sides of him, tears threatening to spill due to the sight Dooku was your father and only Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi knew this for they were the ones who took you. Even though Anakin had become your best friend even he didn't know this, there clearly was a reason you didn't use your last name in your title Y/N Dooku would set off many red flags in the temple your father even saw the potential you had as a Jedi and summoned Obi and Yoda when you were 5 and using the force rather well for that age. Of course in secret you saw your father they knew the bond you two had was different when you first left and Yoda being the only one who took you to see him somehow no one suspected a thing they assumed Yoda was going to Kashyyyk. Of course once you were old enough you went to see him yourself he was grateful at least someone let you see him he couldn't bare to part with you for good he'd die of a broken heart for sure. But this moment right here is what scared you having to see your Father at the mercy of your best friend practically your brother, the look in Palpatine and Obi Wans eyes grew nervous seeing you seeing this. The Chancellor always thought you were just adorable and kinda raised you in a way you became rather intelligent in the ways of politics over the years he didn't know Dooku was your daddy either. "Why shouldn't he kill him?" Palpatine asked "i-it isn't the Jedi way...?" You hesitate a little "kill him Anakin" the Chancellor says flatly "kill him now" he repeats "Ani no! This isn't like you!" You cry "please" Dooku says "you don't want to kill me" he adds as his heart is shattering seeing you like this. "I love you Y/N, don't ever forget that" your father says with a small smile as Anakin strikes your eyes widen with heartbreak you feel a part of you die and Obi Wan couldn't believe what happened.

"Noooo!" You cry as force lightning shoots from your hands and you fall to your knees causing a circle of lightning to form around you causing that room on the ship to lose power. All of them freeze and stare directly at you shocked as you sob you put your hands on the floor in front of you as you shake with fear "Y/N?" Obi says "are you alright?" He asks hesitantly stepping close to you. Quickly you snap your head upwards and shoot force lightning at a small group of battle droids then you look at yourself stunned "Y/N was Dooku your father?" Anakin quietly asks. You ignore him and go to your father's body kneeling beside it before taking his lightsaber Anakin had dropped to the floor "it wasn't your time" you whisper "you never should have let me go" you choke out. "I'm so sorry Father... It's all my fault" you whine Obi Wan puts a hand on your shoulder "Y/N we must be going" he says calmly as you nod standing up "Y/N please..." Anakin starts "Anakin now isn't the time" Kenobi says sternly as you turn around "there won't be a time" you say leaving with the Chancellor. Palpitatine puts a hand on your shoulder "I'm so sorry my dear, I didn't know" he says sincerely "you still didn't say a word the entire journey to get home. You just nodded or shook your head your heart shattered and filled with anger all in one Obi Wan said you needed to come clean with the Council and you spoke only saying if Yoda agrees.


You arrive back home and Obi Wan was being your Therapy Jedi trying to help you hold back tears before reaching the council "wait here while i get Master Yoda" he says calmly as you nod and lean against the wall biting your lip. "Y/N, tell the council about your father should we?" He asks walking out and looking up to you "i-i can't" you choke out "Y/N, you need too" Kenobi pushes "agree with Obi Wan I do, something to tell me there is?" He asks "A-anakin killed him" you say trying to remain deadpan. Yoda's ears droop "sorry for your loss i am" he gestures for you to kneel down "yes?" You ask then Yoda hugs you "do what i can to keep you here i will" he whispers you smile faintly "thank you Master" you say. "Come, tell them we must" Yoda says walking back into the Council room "fellow Jedi" Kenobi starts "there is something you must know" he says "Count Dooku is my Father" you say deadpanned the council gasps and is silent looking amongst themselves for a response. "That's right, Y/N Dooku is my full name" you say annoyed before leaving as the doors closed behind you all you heard was shouting and yelling you sighed and needed to get off this planet "Y/N wait!" Anakin called you instantly decided to run. "Y/N wait! We need to talk!" You start crying as you were nearing the exit of the temple but he was quicker grabbed your arm to hold you back "Y/N I-i am so sorry i didn't know what came over me" he tries to hug you "you just couldn't get over it could you?!" You shout "i get you were pissed when you lost your arm you didn't need to kill my Dad!" You cry. "Why didn't you trust me to tell me this?" He asks calmly "you wouldn't understand Anakin" he tries to hug you again but you step away "i need to think Anakin, they all know now" you say before walking away "I'm going to my real home, Grievous is waiting for me" you choke out "Y/N, you don't have to leave" he says.

"Yes i do" you say "I-i..." You begin "Master Dooku!...Y/N!" Was yelled you froze and slowly turned around to see Kenobi with Plo Koon, Mundi, and Fisto the other three Jedi you've become very close to as well. "Y/N, why didn't anyone ever say anything to us?" Fisto asks "good question, i thought we were family" Mundi says "you saved my life, that earned you my trust" Plo Koon tells her. "You all are my family i love all of you but some things are best left in the shadows, but i must be leaving i can sense i am no longer wanted on the council" you say as the light reflects off your father's lightsaber handle you have on your belt. "We understand you are angry with Anakin but please Y/N, we want you here" Obi says "you don't understand, he was all i had it wasn't his time but Anakin was too busy playing Palpatines pet" you hiss. "If you wish to become allies, i can gladly help bring in the sepratists one by one Master Yoda will know how to find me" you say before exiting the building and to your Fathers personal ship where Ventress and Grievous wait inside. You fought tears as you took the co captain seat beside Ventress " so sorry for your loss Y/N, he cared about all three of us it wasn't his time" she says putting a hand on your shoulder. "She is right Y/N, we were a family at least there is still us" Grievous says putting his hand over Ventress's and you over his "thank you both, i don't think i can replace him" Ventress smiles slightly "well you are Master Dooku now" she says as you let a few tears fall. Ventress takes off you sat there the way home wanting to cry but didn't because what satisfaction would you gain? Arriving home you sigh entering the familiar sight. Grievous and Ventress stayed outside discussing what happened with the sepratists that were waiting inside there was a portrait of your father adorned in more glamorous attire for the painting. Below it a small table you bite your lip and set his saber on top of it walking away you hear a clank only turning around to see his saber on the floor. "Father i can't be you..." You say as if someone will respond "Y/N you may not be able to be me, but you can lead my side of this world" you gasp as you see your father "Dad..." You breathe out.

"You are a Dooku are you not?" He asks you sigh and nod "i am" you reply "and you have my lightsaber, a symbol of my status among the separatists" he says picking up the lightsaber. "They offered for me to stay" you say looking away from him "but you chose to return home" he says "to get back at Skywalker" he adds "no! I'm not Sith Father you know this..." You argue. "Daughter, it is never to late to exact revenge become the great leader you were born to be" he says making you look at him. "He is right child" you sigh turning to see Sidious entering the room and looking back to see your father gone and his lightsaber in your hand. In your head you hear "and Y/N, do make sure Ventress and Grievous don't kill each other i love you very much darling" that making you smile slightly "you meant the world to your father, feels like yesterday when you were a little girl" Sidious says placing a hand on your shoulder. "Perhaps, Master Dooku you should answer any questions YOUR Sepratists have" he says calmly "i agree, Uncle Palpatine I've missed you" you tell him "I've missed you too my dear" he says taking your hand in his hands. "Come, let us begin" he says as you activate your father's saber and head outside where Ventress and Grievous are ready as well as you two.

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