Moff Gideon X Reader

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(Lil short too, This was kind of a 'What the hell, Let's do A Moff Gideon X Reader'. :D)

The last person you wanted to see from your past was Moff fucking Gideon, the two of you worked very closely together you were a Bounty Hunter that exclusively worked for him unfortunately. You were going to be executed if you didn't accept his offer to let you live, war crimes against the empire but your skills he felt would prove useful to the Empire and you were kept on a short leash beside your master. His men brought you out of hiding after you caused a small distraction to let Mando and Cara get away with Grogu your painted helmet wasn't one he's seen before one of his soldiers forced you to your knees and aggressively removed your helmet. Gideon let off a soft gasp "Y/N? After all this time our destinys brought us back to eachother" he says before leaning downward to caress your cheek and you were quick to react and bit him he jerked his hand back before grasping your throat with his other hand. "Now you will cooperate my dear Y/N and tell me where they went" he hissed letting go as his men holding you down pulled you up you shoved his men off you to let go Gideon gave a slight gesture that it was fine for you to get closer. He gave you a curious look before you gave him a quick kiss he didn't protest this but his men were shocked and while Cara and Mando were escaping they both gagged catching a glimpse of that.

"Did Y/N just kiss the Moff?" Cara questioned confused "disgusting" Mando says as the Moffs flattered you still have those feelings "I missed you too Y/N, but where are they going?" Gideon asked you again with a darker tone in his voice. "Gideon love, I was just the distraction" you tell him hiding that Gideons slightly an idiot to you "what?! How?! Find them!" He growled to his men as they quickly scattered "as for you, why don't we catch up on lost times?" He asks offering a hand with his signature cold stare. You showed him your cuffed hands he chuckled "that's for later" he hints before pulling you along you gave him a questioning look but let him pull you along. He might be a cold hearted ass to everyone but back when you worked for him he was supposed to meet you in his office at some point he found you crying which you often did when you were alone you had done some horrible things to people both innocent and non since working for him it haunted you and broke your heart.

He was about to apologize before he heard your sniffling you were trying to collect yourself once you heard the door open he was confused and a little worried "Y/N? What's wrong? I didn't know you cried..." He said rushing over to you. "I-Its nothing Moff Gideon I'm fine, but what did you need to see me about?" You asked like you weren't upset "no, tell me what has my best bounty hunter upset" he said taking your hands in his. So you explained how you never had a home and got dragged down a path you weren't and aren't fond off you weren't given much of a choice when you first were caught. But that lead to a kiss between you two he didn't like seeing your teary eyes and he didn't see them again then today he caught his girl "you know Y/N I didn't expect you to keep your armor knowing I was after you" he says casually. "And I didn't expect you to ever find me" you replied in the same tone he chuckled "you can't truly escape me everlily" he says taking your hand as he walks with you despite you being cuffed. You sighed but still sort of have feelings for him unfortunately the only reason he's been tracking you down is partially he still loves you he just can't let you out of his site or leave you armed. "My dear this time I will admit you made it somewhat difficult to find you, but with the right insentive people talk" he says casually being smug you sighed "who'd you threaten?" You asked.

"Oh no this time it was a bribe depending on the money depends on if they'll stand by you, but then I'd have to result with violence" he says with a chuckle. You rolled your eyes same old Gideon "who'd you get to spill it?" You asked "oh they begged for me not to tell you, for they know what happens when one betrays you" he says like he couldn't possibly tell you."Come on Gideon, who'd you get?" You ask annoyed he sighs "dear I really can't say..." He starts "Gideon..." You warn he huffs "alright, alright it was one of Captain Hondos, former first mate as they say" he tells you. "Well good thing he keeps tabs on his men, when I get on a communicator I'll have him killed" you say knowing that man not Hondo the lacky, had it out for you Gideon definitely paid him handsomely to find your location.  He was always with Hondo who always had you check in your kinda his bff/bodyguard he hired you for when someone wanted him dead it was like a new target every other week but you know, so far everyones dead.

"May I ask why you sought out me?" You asked professionally "do I need to? I just figured since you were seen with the Mandalorian and Cara Dune I could capture them, take the child and get some time with you" he says harmlessly. "Nicely orchestrated, only you lost three out of the four" you hint he sighs "I missed you" he says knowing you're just teasing him "I missed you too" you say taking his hand in your cuffed ones and leaning on him slightly. "Hmh, I remember we almost killed eachother when we first met" he says "yeah, I fell right through the vent and landed in your lap" you say with a slight laugh. "That was also interrogation number 8 that day" he says with a sigh "and I knew absolutely nothing that you were after but you decided to keep me anyway" you both laugh at that "indeed, but I got something better that day...I met you" he says semi sweetly. "You weren't after them at all were you?" You ask realizing he wasn't "oh the child absolutely, but you'll do" he teased before giving a light kiss you returned the affection then giving a sigh "Such a softy" you quietly teased. He chuckled but uncuffed you "only you make me feel this way Y/N, the greatest thing you ever stole from me was my dark heart shedding your light onto it" he says with a gentle look. You giggled "How are you the most feared Moff?" He rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around your waist "I swear if you tell anyone..." He whispered staring into the stars with you as the ship traveled.

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