Grievous x child reader

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(sorry if towards the end it becomes hot garbage i just thought this idea was cute)

He found you abandoned at the age of 3, something changed in his heart when he saw you so he took you home. At first he had to keep you hidden from Dooku afraid of what he may do when he noticed Grievous was taking meals into his room something was up. And when Grievous had left for Naboo Dooku snuck into his chambers to see little Y/N playing with a stuffed Mon Calamari toy she was scared of him but Dooku was nothing but kind while Grievous was away. Grievous almost died when he knew Dooku found out but relieved he wasn't angry and did not hurt you. Turns out your a celestial being too, one with the universe immortal as well you had these strange tattoos on your back and arms Grievous hadn't a clue what you were but Dooku did and basically said your stuck with that little girl literally forever. You could concentrate your energy and create gold or a mini Galaxy but you were still very young and  couldn't fully control your powers just little party trick type thinks here and there. And a few days ago you turned 5, Grievous had the two most wonderful years of his life with you and you brightened up his whole world giving him love. But right now you couldn't find your Grievy and Dooku wasn't around to ask him but as you wandered down a hall you heard his voice. "You heard me! Find Kenobi i know he's here!" He growled you giggled and he turned to where you were he chuckled as you hid "come here you little monster" he says as you run out and into his arms "daddy!" You squeal as he catches you swinging you around. "I told you to stay in your room Y/N..." You huff "i wanted to be with you" you whine he chuckles "come on, back upstairs for now i don't want you getting hurt Y/N" you sigh "foine" you huff as he carries you. "I will have a surprise later if you stay upstairs" he says tauntingly you gasp "weally?" You ask he nods "but you have to stay in our bedroom alright?" He says as he sets you back on your bed once you arrive.

"Be good little runt" he leans down and what would be a kiss on the forehead before he leaves you do hear shuffling under the bed making you hesitant but you do look only to gasp at the sight of a Jedi. "Please" he whispers "little girl I won't harm you" he says scooting out from under your bed you scoot away about to scream "no no, don't do that... I'm Obi Wan what's your name?" You hesitate "Y-Y/N...are you Kentobi?" You ask making him smile "yes i am Kenobi, what are you doing in this place?" He asks "me and m-my daddy live here" you say shyly. "Who's your father little one?" He asks calmly "Gr-grev..." "Grievous?" He gasps as you nod "mhm! He apopted me..." He sighs "little one Grievous is no parental, we need to get out of here" you shake your head "no, he's my daddy I'm staying here" he sighs "will you help me escape then little one?" You think for a second and shake your head. "Daddy said i can't leave my room...but he won't know, i know how to get out of here through teh vents" you say pointing to a large vent in the ceiling he smiles "can you guide me through them?" He asks you were about to speak till you heard heavy metal footsteps you gasp. "It's Daddy! Hide!" He nods and dives back under the bed "hello little monster" he says as you giggle when he picks you up "hi daddy" you say smiling "it's time for your bath Y/N" you squeal "yay!" Making him laugh Obi Wan can't help but chuckle. Grievous grabs a fresh set of clothes and starts carrying you on his shoulders to the bathroom you boop a passing battledroid making him awe at you. You kinda wanted to see grampa Dooku today, but he must've been busy your papa set you down while he started the water you sat watching the water flow. He would smile if he could "alright little monster, it's time" you nod and take off your current clothing and hop in the hot water as he was adding bubbles "yay!" You giggle. "Alright scrub yourself clean Y/N, i have to get back to work" you pout "but why?" You whine he sighs "i need to find the Jedi sneaking about" internally you panicked because of Kenobi hiding under your bed.

"Can we play a wittle bit?" You beg "hmm" he says thinking "alright we can play outside just for a little bit Y/N, then back to work for me and upstairs for you" you nod starting to wash yourself. "Done!" You say he picks you up wrapping a towel around you drying you off and starts to aid you in getting dressed "there we go, so what shall we do little monster?" You giggle "tag!" You squeal and duck his arms running out of the bathroom. He chuckles "get back here!" He yells after you but of course letting you get a head start you go to dive under a table hoping he didn't see you and trying to silence your giggling. You hear him walking around "come out come out little monster" he says "who me?" You gasp it was Kenobi "General Kenobi, at last you can meet your fate" Obi wan laughed "my fate? If anything you are going to meet yours" you were growing concerned. Then you heard the sound of lightsabers you gasp "daddy no!" You cry out quickly crawling out from under the table "Y-Y/N?? Get back upstairs!" You jump at his raised voice he never got like that with you. "Daddy please!" You cry as you run and stand in between them Kenobi backs away and Grievous steps forward looking down at you "Y/N get back upstairs" he growls "no!" You squeak "let him go!" You say making grievous glare up at Kenobi. "Little one you need to step aside" Kenobi says calmly but notices the fear in your eyes Grievous sighs "my daughter does not need to see how i handle business, Kenobi now is your chance to leave" he says picking you up as you cling to him shaking "y-you kill people? Don't you Daddy?" You mutter he sighs. "Only when it comes to protecting you Y/N, you are the only thing i care about in this world and I'd do anything to keep you safe" he says holding you close to him "it's alright my dear, I'm right here" he says calmly as he takes you upstairs and sits on the end of the bed still holding you.

But then remembered what he had for you "little monster I need to set you down but i do have that surprise for you still" he gently sets you down and you look up at him as he goes to his bedroom closet. "Close your eyes" you nod and do that sniffling a little you hear your papa fumbling around "alright little runt" you open your eyes and gasp it was mini Droideka those were your absolute favorite. "A teeny doideka?! He's so cute!" You dropped to the floor examining it "you are so cute" you squeal as you boop it making it go into it's ball form and roll around you then popping back up right next to you. Making you jump but the Droideka waddles closer and is acting as if it wants to be picked up you smile and do so holding it close. "Thank you daddy!" you say as you attempt to hug Grievous he chuckles and picks you up sitting on the bed with you two as you yawned the Droideka seeing this and curls up in your arms. "I love you daddy" you whisper "i love you too Y/N" he holds you close till he notices you are asleep and lays you down covering the both of you and starts to leave the bedroom to tend to other matters.

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