(Happy Valentine's Day!) Hondo x reader

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He wasn't sure if you hated Valentine's Day or not but he wanted to do something special for his Everlily normally you were apart in February but this one you were going to be home. Hondo and you been together a long time and the time you were gone for two years he heard rumors you were dead and he was in a panic until Obi Wan and Anakin found you along with Ashoka who had been missing as well due to the same circumstances. Your three beloved Jedi returned you to him and none of them had ever seen Hondo cry he almost didn't want to believe it was you his heart knew what the right answer was. You were the only light in his pirate life you made him proud of what he was you were a bounty hunter not much better currently you were out on an assignment with Cad Bane so Hondo was taking this opportunity to contact Kenobi hopefully to get help on what to get you. Obi Wan really didn't want to answer Anakin asked him who it was and sighed upon the answer "might as well see what Hondo wants..." Anakin says slightly annoyed "ah! Kenobi...i need your help" he says quickly "sorry Hondo we're a bit busy at the moment..." Obi Wan starts. "It's about Y/N..." Hondo admits "what? I-is she okay?" Anakin asks now panickin "what? Of course she's okay! It's Valentine's day and it's the first one in a long time where I get to spend it with her" Hondo says with a sigh of happiness. "Oh well that's wonderful Hondo! Okay we'll help" Obi Wan says speaking for Anakin too "wait I didn't agree to this..." Anakin starts "yes you did, so what do you need to know about our girl Hondo?" Kenobi asks. "Well does she like flowers? Sweets? I mean I'm always a gentleman to her and nothing but loving she's told me herself but what does she truly appreciate?" Hondo asks.

Obi Wan and Anakin looked to each other thinking what he could do for you "well I know she loves the deep red roses..." Anakin tells him. "Oh and sea salted dark chocolate" Kenobi adds "she's always wanted a Nexu kitten...?" Hondo hesitantly suggests "well there isn't a beast she can't tame and a fully grown Nexu she's tamed so we could get away" Obi Wan informs him. "That is very true, I have a friend on Naboo that runs a sanctuary for them...rescues if you will" Hondo says calmly "well I think you're covered Hondo..." Anakin starts "yes I agree, Y/N should be quite excited" Kenobi says. "Well I guess I was worried about nothing, I already knew she loved those things..." Hondo says laughing at himself "well good luck to you Hondo tell Y/N we said hi when she returns home" Obi Wan says about to hang up. "Wait wait wait! Would she...like a diamond ring?" Hondo asks nervously Obi Wan and Anakin gasp "she would love that! You mean more to her than we'll ever know Hondo that is an excellent idea she won't be expecting that either..." Anakin tells him so a bit later off Hondo was to get the gifts. He was hoping you'd love a ring you two had been together for so long maybe it was about time for that step you were his Everlily nothing meant more to him than you. "Oh I bet you're excited to see your pirate aren't you?" Bane teases "yeah, wait today's valentine's day isn't it?" You ask Bane "I believe so, do you think Hondo is losing his shit over it?" Bane asks with a laugh "the fact he gets me today too probably, he should know by now just him being there is enough for me" you tell Bane who nods agreeing with you.

It's not the first time Hondo's panicked over you obviously he wanted to make sure you knew just how far he'd go for you when you already knew he'd die for you. He got the other gifts just not the Nexu kitten yet so he placed the candy, ring, and flowers on the dining table in his private quarters while he left to get your kitten. Awhile later you arrived home some of Hondos boys were like your brothers so you fucked around a bit acting like a guy being stupid "hey Y/N welcome home!" One yells throwing a cup at you on instinct you catch it throwing the cup back at him. "Hey! Watch it..." You joke "Hondo laying around?" You ask "no he had an errand to run but i think is quarters are unlocked for you" another one of his men tell you. "Thanks boys" they nod before you leave and yeah Hondo wasn't there but this was perfect you instantly went to the bedroom to change ignoring everything else Hondo hasn't seen you in a dress. Like a shorter shows your curves kind of dress it was pretty and nice he was probably going to be focused on your hips and chest thats kinda what you were going for but even in heels you were still short. So you got dressed up and decided to wander the house and noticing the dining table and what was on it you saw the roses "Anakin..." You say with a small smile then the chocolate "Kenobi" you say with obviousness. But the small maroon velvet box you weren't sure and didn't want to believe what you thought it was "Hondo didn't..." You breathe Hondo quietly returns home holding your kitten and quickly hides the sleeping fur ball behind his back and smirks at what you're wearing. You were about to open the box then jumped when he pressed up against you from behind with a hand on your hip "now surely you didn't do all this for me..." He jokes knowing you did. "Well who else would i dress like this for?" You ask leaning back against him then you hear a quiet "mew" "Hondo did you just meow?" You ask confused "oh! No, Happy Valentine's Day my Everlily" he pulls away from you holding the furball. "Oh my goodness you got me a Nexu? I thought you hated cats..." You tell him "well for you I will deal with it besides he is kinda cute" he admits petting him then he notices the box in your hand. "Did you open it already?" He asks pointing to the box "hm? Oh...no I haven't" he bites his lip as you open it "H-hondo? Are you..." You start "yes, it is about time I made a permanent move" he tells you. With watery eyes you pull him by his collar into a kiss he freezes but smiles and accepts it "now now, we must name the Nexu first before we get sidetracked" he says as you nod. Taking the kitten you smile "hmm, I don't know..." You start as you pet him "I like Xavier" the Kitten looks up in response "what? Do you like Xavier?" You ask him he mews and nuzzles your hands.

"Alright, Xavier is your name now" the kitten jumps out of your hands and goes and curls up in a pile of Hondos clothes "if he tears up my clothes I blame you" Hondo says wrapping his arms around your waist. "Well, I could tear off your clothes in the bedroom if you like?" You innocently offer he thinks for a moment "well that isn't a bad idea at all..." He starts as you put on your ring. "Finally, Mrs. Ohnaka..." He says giving you a twirl "and you are most certainly not allowed to dress like this around the other men" he says casually. "Understood Captain" you tell him with a smirk "you better not disobey your Captain Mrs. Ohnaka" he warns "oh what would you do if I did?" You ask knowing he wouldn't do anything. Nothing bad anyway "Well we could head to my more private quarters and I could show you mostly what I'd do the rest I'd rather be in front of the others so they know who you belong to" he says with a wink. He takes your hands in his then throws you over his shoulder causing a gasp from you then a squeak when he smacks your ass "Hondo I can walk to the bedroom you know..." You point out "Oh I know but we'll get to the point of tonight quite soon this way" he says before heading to the bedroom.

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