(Sith) Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader P2

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(Sorry my Readers if this is as short as a goldfishs attention span but I didn't know what else to do compared to my other work.)

While Kenobi and your Father were distracted you snuck off to find Padme only she could help you she was trying to find you as well "Y/N!" She gasps rushing over to you manuvering through the crowd. "Padme! We have to get out of here Anakin and Obi Wan have lost it...so has my Father" you say looking away with hurt in your eyes "what do you mean?" She asks you look around to all the clonetroopers "not here, one word of this and they'll come for me..." You whisper. She nods "to my chambers" she says before pulling you along Obi noticed you were missing first "Emperor, Y/N has run off..." Your Father nods and informs his trooper commander to have his men search for you. Padme and you had reached her chambers undetected "Anakin is even a part of this?" She asks in disbelief "he is, My Father is training the both of them Obi Wans been a Sith Lord the whole time" you tell her. She gasped "no...not your Kenobi" she says "we need to get out of here, especially for your kid's sake" you tell her "but... Anakin needs to be part of their life..." She says "you should've stayed with Kenobi..." You jump and whip around "A-anakin" you say shakily. "You weren't planning on taking Padme from me were you?" He asks "or running from me?" Obi Wan asks entering the room Padme hid behind you even though you were just as scared as she was.

"What are you going to do with us?" Padme asks hiding her fear or trying too anyway "Well Y/N is to come with me and Padme you are to leave with Anakin to Naboo" Obi Wan informs you both. "Like hell I am" you blurt out Obi gives you a questioning look before approaching you "best not to anger me darling my patience is wearing thin with you..." He says with an annoyed look but a dash of lust in it. "I suggest you come with me" he growls you look over to see Padme in Anakins arms go figure Obi Wan took your hand making you jump only to find he just wanted to kiss your hand for a second you saw a glimpse of your old Obi Wan. You let him take you away as you eventually had to part directions with Anakin and Padme you girls looked back at the other but running wasn't going to work a second time. Your Father was waiting at the door of Kenobis chambers "ah, there you two are I see you found my runaway?" He jokes you look away in disgust because of all he's done. "Oh...now you can't resent your own Father Y/N" he says in a oh come on now tone you sigh "but I can ignore you" you tell him flatly "oh so I can resent Kenobi though can't I?" You ask sarcastically. "Especially not him" Kenobi butts in "no Y/N I'm afraid he has a point you've had a draining day how about you get some rest and I'll explain everything over lunch tomorrow" he says like he didn't have the Jedi slaughtered. He hugged you goodbye as you just stood there before he left you alone with Obi Wan "you don't hate me, quit acting as if you do" Kenobi says before pulling you into his room. "Who said I'm acting?" You ask coldly he sighs "you know I would never hurt you but you should've known I had something dark about me..." He starts "we all do" he adds calmly.

"I never thought you did..." You mutter "what was that?" He hissed "I'm just as dark and tormented as you, your Father told me about the Nightsisters how your Mother left you there to die..." Your eyes widened as you faced him. "And you got revenge on her once your Father found you and brought you home" he adds out of frusteration you go to slap him his reflexes weren't quick enough to catch your wrist "ow..." He says almost offended. "You have no right to talk about that!" You cried  as you stepped back from him fighting tears "that woman was the bane of my existence, all because she wanted a son my Father was the only friend and family I had but I couldn't be with him all the time..." You say through clenched teeth. "She tried so many times to be rid of me, then left me with the Nightsisters but the Mother of the nightsisters ended up being the only form of Mother I could consider that" you huffed in annoyance. "Well your father isn't the only friend you have, you have me Y/N I love you I swear I will never leave you" he says sincerely "you think I can just forgive you ?" You ask him "your friends, our family have been slaughtered and corrupted" you tell him. "You still have Anakin, do you not count him?" Obi asks "that wasn't Anakin anymore" you hiss "darling I know I've upset you, let me make it up to you?" He asks sweetly. You step back from him.

"No, not a chance in Hell" you say stepping away from him "that hurts love" he says with his eyes guilt tripping you "that's not going to work Obi, not again" you tell him. "Oh you were never a match for my eyes my beloved, it always was just a matter of time..." He teases but sees you're afraid of him he sighs "love look at me..." He says trying to get you to make eye contact. "Look at the real me, my feelings for you have not changed that's why..." He starts as he sighs "Will you marry me?" He asks taking out a ring your breath hitched in your throat. You were speechless you as much as he has said he loves you never did you think he'd ask "now if I had changed completely would I be asking you this? I know what I am frightens you but I love you" he says with all the sincerity possible. "O-of course Obi, I love you too" you say with watery eyes he smiles slightly and wipes your eyes for you "now I know those were tears of joy but still..." He says before kissing you're forehead. Internally you couldn't believe you just said yes he wasn't the same Kenobi anymore you needed to escape him soon and get Padme away from Anakin too you had to do something.

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