Royce Hemlock X Reader

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When the troopers brought you forward your heart sank at who's blue eyes you met with, you once loved looking into Royce's eyes but now they only terrified you. "Y/N, they found you at last, I'll admit they had me worried..." He began before reaching out to place a hand on your cheek causing you to lean away from his gesture. "Come on now my darling, don't be like that..." Royce tells you gently before grasping your chin making you look at him "you definitely made it hard to find you this time, but you're home now" he says softly before planting a kiss on you, you reacted quick before biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. He quickly let go of you and wiped the blood off him with his jacket sleeve "is it wrong I missed that?" He questioned with a smirk you rolled your eyes looking away from him. "Babe please say something?" He asks sounding wounded "how did you find me?" You questioned annoyed "that was easy, it's not hard to find Bounty Hunters anymore..." He says before grabbing your arm pulling you to your feet.

"Everybody will sell out anybody these days" he says casually with a soft smile "I've already told you once Royce and I will tell you again, I will not hunt down the remaining clones that went awal" you hissed. "Oh, that's not why I had you brought home, I simply wanted my wife back" he says with a harmless look in those blue eyes you hesitated before speaking again "I-I am not going to fall for that innocent expression again..." You quickly replied avoiding his eyes. "Y/N, I want you back, life is lonely without someone to enjoy it with" he tells you gently "oh, sure, if you can call tormenting decommissioned clones something to enjoy" you spat. He sighed "you know what I meant Y/N, please, I just want to catch up on lost times, I love you and you know you are my whole galaxy" he pleads with the sound of his heart breaking in his voice.

"Fine, I can't forget what we've shared and been through Royce, but I can't forgive you for what you do"  you tell him with your own heart breaking as you spoke. He bit his lip thinking for a moment for he knows you won't forgive him for what he did to make you run away from him, once you really found out what his line of work was. "Thank you" was all he could say before allowing you to head inside first, you were horrified when you found out how some clones ended up you called him a monster. Royce then tried to turn it on you that being a Bounty Hunter wasn't any better but you didn't torture people unless you needed them to talk, you both all this time still wore your rings because neither of you could forget your past together. The home hadn't changed much many memories began playing through your mind as well, you missed all of it, you missed him most of all. "I noticed you still have your ring on..." You flatly hinted "of course, I noticed the same with you" he says before taking your cuffed hands in his and unlocking said cuffs. "There, that should feel better" he says before kissing the back of your hand with the ring "these past years have definitely been kind to you my love" he says gently.

"Well, in areas where the Empire doesn't rule..." you replied looking away from him "alright, there has to be something personal I did to hurt you Y/N..." He began "because you lied to me Royce..." You started before stepping back from him. "You lied to me since day one your line of work, you knew I was a bounty hunter since day one, I helped you become a ghost and go so far under the raydar the Empire itself couldn't find you if they wanted to" you explained with your anger rising. "When we met I thought you were too good to be true, I felt I didn't deserve you but you still chose me!" you cry with watery eyes "now Y/N I..." He was about to begin "I trusted you, I loved you, what is a relationship without trust and honesty Hemlock?" You questioned feeling more hurt talking about this. "You know everything about me, even down to my darkest parts of my past and I thought I knew you just the same" you tell him as you start to calm down. Royce sighed "I didn't tell you because I was protecting my work" he confessed "protecting your work?" You questioned, "By the devil, from what? Me? What would I have done? Turned you in to the Senate? The former Chancellor would've let you out of prison anyways Royce" you replied annoyed. "You couldn't really trust me could you?" You ask him with pain in your eyes "that's not true, you know I trust you more than anyone, I asked you because I trust you and I love you more than my own life" he replied before going to wipe your tears.

"I-I was afraid you'd leave me if I told you right away..." You admits looking away from you "no, no if you told me the truth about your work then and there I would never have left you, it was your distrust in me that made me leave" you tell him taking his face in your hands. "We were thick as thieves Royce, when did I ever lead you astray or backstab you?" You ask him getting him to lock eyes with you he sighs as he looks up into your eyes "never, you were always there and always stood by me in a fight" he replies softly. "Exactly" you say before leaving a soft kiss on his lips "you are my husband, for better and for worse remember? A-and it pained me more being apart from you when I ran away" you confessed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was afraid of losing you, but I did anyways for 3 years" he says putting his forehead to yours "I love you so much Y/N" he says softly "I love you too Royce, I couldn't imagine what you were going through, possibly something similar to myself" you admit as you walk off with your love for a new start.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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