Dooku x daughter reader P2

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With Wat Tambor, Nute Gunray, and Rune Haako gone "Sidious" along with Y/N and the other's created a lie that the recently deceased Sepratists couldn't handle the war much longer and took their own lives. But the remaining Sepratists in secret from Sidious and Master Dooku they didn't like the daughter being in his place they wanted to kill the girl and let Sidious be the one giving orders (66). Ventress and Grievous have been worried about her but Uncle Palps said not to worry about her she just needs to be alone and the last month Dooku had been speaking with his daughter saying she needs to end Sidious and the Separatists. She knew she had too and that she had several friends that would gladly help her such as Savage and Maul, Ventress, and the robo mom himself Grievous and Captain Hondo she has made deals with many times was forever in her debt after she saved him and his men from a droid attack set by Grievous or your Dad either one. Ventress eventually decided to check on Y/N she let her in but still very saddened "Y/N? You are worrying all of us, is their something more to losing your father?" She asks "i-i haven't told Savage..." Ventress gasps "you haven't told him? So he just assumes everything is fine with you?" You nod in response. "Y/N, you need to tell him...i know it hurts but your man needs to know" she says "I can't, I don't want Savage to see me like this" you sob she wraps her arms around you "you've been a sister to me Y/N, and i hate to see you heartbroken like this you need to tell Savage he can give you the comfort none of us can" she tells you before getting up and leaving you alone. You sighed, she was right your lovers brother knew but you made him swear not to tell Savage he understood why so respecting your order not to say a word.

You grabbed your comlink off the nightstand and wiping your eyes before dialing Savage, his image shows "i know" he says. "My darling why didn't you tell me?" He asks pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh to follow "i-i didn't want you to see me like this..." you sniffle. He rolls his eyes "i wish you trusted me more my darling, do need me to come over?" He asks calmly. "N-no, you are probably busy...a-and i have Ventress" he sighs "darling she provides as much comfort as a Nexu I'm coming over, i love you" he says before hanging up you smile slightly "love you too" you reply to no one. Then there was a knock on your door "come in" you say sitting up wiping your eyes once more the Sidious enters the room "my dear your father would be so proud of you, as am i but i know i cannot replace him" he says sitting beside you. "I'll be okay Uncle Palpatine, don't worry" he chuckles "Y/N I've known you since you were very small and know when you are okay and when you are not" he says taking your hand "Y/N, you know you'll have to kill him right?" You hear in your head "yes" you replied to your father's voice. "Trust me, once the sepratists are gone my dear it will be a bright future for all and you will help me guide it my niece" Palpatine says before leaving you alone you sigh as you are alone again.

"Father i miss you, so much this last month has been hard" you say "i know, and i wish i could be with you too but it would be harder to have this plan go along as smoothly as it has" he replies. "And you hadn't told Savage?" You sigh "young lady I'm surprised at you not telling your own lover" he says annoyed "father bug off would you?" You sigh "I'm just relieved Ventress told you to tell him and you listened, that would not have happened with me" he says making you smile slightly. "She's been like my sister, of course i listened" you tell him "have you continued to train her?" He asks "yes father, she is getting stronger and holds less hate in her heart" you tell him "good, and how is Grievous handling my demise?" You sigh "he's been off alone lately, only ever saying a few words to me" you reply. "I knew he cared about me..." Dooku says "well Savage is going to be here soon...i love you" "i love you too dad" you sigh then a knock at the door. "Come in" you say as Savage enters your room and sits beside you "why didn't you tell me as soon as you could? The truth love" He asks "Savage i wasnt ready to tell you alright? Do you even know how hurt and scared i was?" You ask " but..." "But nothing! I loved my Father he was all i had and he's gone!" You cry as you stand up and things begin to levitate in your room. "Y/N you need to calm down" he says going to take your hands "why?!" You growl "you are doing it again" he points out "sweetheart you need to calm yourself" your father tells you making you sigh but you stop and everything falls to the ground. You huff then plop back down onto your bed "you know tomorrows the day..." He says calmly "i know" you reply to Savage "perhaps you should get some rest my darling?" He suggests as he lays back on your bed then pulls you with him.

You sigh not moving to face him as you lay down too he rolls his eyes and pulls you close "no kiss?" He teases. "No..." You hesitate "come on" he says flipping you over with ease "cheapshot" you say "just because im sith doesn't make it cheep" he argues before smiling slightly and giving you a small kiss. Morning later came and your Uncle along with you were going to end the separatists and jedi but you were going to kill him before he could execute the order. Of course Grievous, Ventress, Maul, and Savage we're going to join you in case shit went south your dream was one of your favorites though your uncle, your dad, and you. It was your birthday and as Ventress was bringing out the cake and everyone started to sing you blew out the candles and Palpatine asked what you wished for you told him he knows you can't tell he chuckled and smiled. "But if i swear to keep the secret will you tell me?" He asks "i already know what she wished for..." Your father teased "well as your only Uncle i should know..." He pouted "i wished...for you to keep being my only uncle" you both smiled at each other and he pulled you into a hug. "Only if you keep being my only niece" he replied "deal" you say "deal" he replies. You were fourteen at the time still young and definitely acted younger than your age most of the time. Everyone including your Uncle Palpatine boarded a small space craft to meet the remaining Separatists on Utapau where they had no idea what was about to happen.

Grievous, Maul, Savage, and Ventress stood behind them as the Separatists sat at a curved table and as your uncle began to give a speech that would be the last words they'd hear aside from their screams. "And to forever loyal Separatists...a well remember reign" your uncle bellowed then the lightsabers went off and heads rolled. "Now to contact the clones, come my darling niece i want them to see their leader as well as the Senators" he says as he offers his arm and you take it following him as do your fellow sith. And as you all reach the com table he begins to speak "my beloved Senate, and Clone army the Separatist scum are defeated and now a long waited period so much overdue for this chance at a future" he says eagerly. "I am very much ecstatic to ask this of our army execu-..." He didn't hear the lightsaber sound but he wide eyedly looked down at his chest you shut off your saber he slowly turned around "Y/N?" He ask and falls to the ground and then the transmission cuts. He wheezes "Y/N i loved you..." He says with his last breath you had a stone cold look upon your face but fell you your knees beginning to cry "i loved you too Uncle" you choke out before your family comes to comfort you. As do a Master Yoda and Master Kenobi "Y/N?" Obi asks "Someone to see you there is..." Yoda says then doing his giggle. "Darling daughter what is with those tears?" You look up slowly to see Dooku walking over and offering his hand to help you up "Dad?" You breathe looking confused then fainting.

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