(Sith) Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader

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Lately while your lover was away your dreams have been something strange you'd be running from someone who knew you but his face was scratched out. His voice was familiar too the way he spoke to you as well but what he was talking about was unbelievable and insane you could never love a Sith Lord. But you did Kenobi has just been waiting for the right time he wasn't allowed to tell you until your Father Chancellor Palpatine said he could he didn't want him ruining the surprise early. Currently you were pacing back and forth your Father's office praying internally that Obi and Ani made it back alive along with your Father you kept telling him to up the security at home somehow you weren't more of a target. Padme rushes in excited suddenly "Y/N! They're back!" She says with a huge smile "they are? Well lets go!" You say rushing out the door with her and to where your boys were at. The both of you were stressing over your boys if they were gonna make it or not you weren't doubting them just fear takes over sometimes. There already were several Jedi and political figures waiting for at least your father. "Father!" You cry he instantly lost his calm composure and rushed to his daughter embracing her tightly "oh my dear I didn't think I'd ever get to see you again..." He says sounding distraught. You sniffle "but you had two of the best Jedi with you I knew you were going to make it though" you whisper he smiles "of course you'd say that those two mean the world to you..." He says calmly. "Y/N!" Your Jedi call in unison you pull away from your Dad and hug both of your Jedi tightly "I'm glad you three are alright..." You say to them with a relieved sigh "well you didn't doubt us did you Y/N?" Anakin asks curious. "No no never would I doubt the two of you just scared me is all when you didn't come back sooner" you tell them "well I'd never leave you permanently without saying goodbye first" Obi Wan says taking you from Anakins arms.

Padme of course went to Anakin once he was free of you "Oh, Y/N your Father wanted to see you in his office when you got a minute" she tells you calmly "alright, I just need one more minute" you say smiling up at Obi Wan. "Well hows about I walk you there so we'll have a few more minutes together" Kenobi offers you and as far as you knew your Father hopefully didn't know about you and Obi Wan your Father was talented with vanishing out of nowhere because he was indeed gone from the current location all of you were at. You took Kenobi's offer and wanted to hear everything that happened you loved Obi's stories of adventure your Father from a young age had you trained as an assassin. You knew hand to hand combat too incase of a tough situation where you couldn't evade into the shadows your father made sure of that Obi Wan and Anakin have seen you in action before and it was flawless combat. You could put the Nightsisters to shame but you also weren't stupid enough to try and fight with them to test this you'd just rather not unless you absolutely had to. You were just outside your fathers office before you kissed your Kenobi and rushed inside before he could do anything Kenobi chuckled to himself "I'll get her back for that later..." He says before leaving to his chambers at the Temple. He knew you'd know where to find him some other senators were just leaving as you entered "Father? Amidala said you wished to see me?" You say hesitantly "yes my dear please do come in" he says you nod and approach his desk. "Is everything alright?" You ask him "yes I just wanted you to know I am quite aware of your relationship with Master Kenobi" you freeze "how did you...who told you?" You ask frightened of what he might do to Kenobi. "Calm yourself my dear Y/N I only wish to know if he is treating you right" he says gently "o-of course Father he's nothing but a gentleman to me please don't tell The Council i-i'll never be able to see him again" you say saddened.

He sighs "Y/N I am not going to speak a word of it to anyone, I just want to make sure my little girl is taken care of" he reassures you as he takes your hands in his. "I can sense Kenobi makes you very happy and you make him very happy too don't you?" He asks you nod with a slight smile "just be careful and make sure no one is around alright?" He asks you nod "yes Father" you reply. "Good girl, now you should know something Y/N..." He starts hesitantly "what is it?" You ask him curious "you know you mean the universe to me and I only hope in time when several changes arise I-I still have your support" he says internally praying that he does. "Well Father of course I'll stand by you, what for though?" You ask "in time my child, now go find your Jedi" he tells you with a small smile you nod slightly grinning before leaving like he said. You were headed for the temple and Anakin was definitely seeking to lose his kneecaps because him and Obi Wan saw you a ways ahead of them Obi tried talking Anakin out of scaring the hell out of you and failed. He quickly and quietly rushed over and scooped you up in his arms spinning around "Y/N/N!" He yelled just before picking you up "Put me the hell down!" You squealed. After a minute he sets you down panting "what made you think that was okay?!" You shrieked before hitting him in the arm he tiredly laughed "for the record I tried talking him out of it darling" Obi says with a sigh making his way over to you two. You smile slightly "well UNFORTUNATELY I promised Padme I wouldn't ever harm Anakin regardless of how bad he pisses me off" you admit "who said I pissed you off?" He asks trying to sound like it's not him. "Rex and Cody would" you say with a smirk he sighs "dangit" "Oh the clones are against you now are they?" Obi Wan teases "who said they were ever with Anakin?" You ask Kenobi.

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