Palpatine x reader 2 P1(?)

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(another dream, this is what happens when you watch star wars before bed kids lol)

It was a simple assignment, be Chancellor Palpatine's bodyguard for the week while he attended along with you a meeting with a dear friend whom also was a Senator about the alliance. And you were a bounty hunter for the Jedi, nabbing the target and bring them for interrogation so your trigger finger was getting twitchy but it paid nicely. Then arriving on the planet a trap was set by Grievous since the Droid army has occupied the planet since Palpatine and his friend made the plans for this meeting. Then you and The Chancellor on the run into the more secluded part of the planet the forest inhabited part you had gotten a leg injury also some scraps and bruises your ribs hurt like hell. And instead of leaving you for dead when you fell unconscious Palpatine hoisted over his shoulder carrying you till he spotted a cave near a waterfall surrounded by willow trees quite hidden too. He took your cloak off you and folded it making a pillow and placed it on a slanted rock so you were slightly elevated, found a hollow stoned and used it to get fresh water from the creek the waterfall led into, and started to patch you up the best he could. But just using the powers he learned from Plagueis slowly but surely you were healing he never got to meet you in person till you were assigned as his protection not what he figured stereotypically to meet for sure. His heart stopped though he did find you beautiful when you removed your helmet for he had asked to see the face of his guardian and your friends Kenobi and Skywalker along with Amidala nodded that you should show your face. It was a respect thing yeah you are a bit of a rogue but you had manners unfortunately you really didn't want him to know the face to your name.

Groggily you began waking up a day and a half later with a throbbing in your head "oh fuck me, feels like a hangover..." You complain Palpatine enters the cave with a sigh of relief seeing you awake. "You had me worried Y/N, how do you feel?" He asks sitting on his knees beside you "ech, like i outdrank Jabba..." You groan trying to sit up he chuckles. "Here, don't strain yourself" he says aiding you in sitting up "thank you, but shouldn't i be the one taking care of you?" You ask he smiles "I'm not the one the risk their life to the fullest extent" he teases. "Forgive me Chancellor buts it's my job" you say annoyed "yes but how often do you risk your life for someone of a noble status? You were being fired at and injured yourself but still kept going all to save me..." He says. You smile slightly "and you saved me, don't you normally have people like me executed?" He sighs "not me personally but i do get the final say, also we cannot return to the city..." He tells you. "What? How do you know?" You ask curious "i crafted a drone from your crushed comlink and a severed battle droid head they have every entrance blocked and patrols of a 50 mile radius" he informs you. You sigh "shit, guess we'll have to hold out until the Senate and Jedi realize how long we've been gone unless your friend helps us" you say annoyed "i hope he does too, but it is best for us to remain here luckily there is a smallish food source and endless water oh but it is getting dark best to start the fire..." He says going to a small pit and wood pile. You are amazed at what he's done for you, you didn't think any Politicians were even capable to be this kind towards anyone especially someone like you.

After getting the fire going he handed you a bundle of berries you smiled slightly and he saw this "happy memory?" He asks knowingly. "Yes, when i was younger the house we had did have these growing all along the back fence my Nexu though he liked to smush them and "paint" the back fence and had me doing it too later on" he chuckles "how cute" you sigh. "I don't know how I'll be able to repay you Chancellor Palpatine, all that you've done for me..." He sighs "you needn't do a thing for me" he says scooting closer to you "and you can call me Sheev" he says "i-i hope to be your friend..." He adds. You smile slightly "that wouldn't look good for a Chancellor to be hanging around someone like me" he sighs "alright personally I'm a fan of your work" you snicker "a politician a fan of a low life? That's funny..." You say. He sighs "you are more incredible than you realize my dear, you are a bounty hunter who's become something much more to me you've become a hero" he says taking your hand. "I'd be dead if it wasn't for you Y/N" he says as you have no idea what to respond with "you see me as something I'm not?" You ask "well of course, after what you did for me it means a lot...most people of your status want me dead..." He says slightly annoyed. You quickly hug him "all I've wanted is to redeem myself and someone to notice it..." You whisper he smiles and wraps his arms around you "even a blind man could see the good you've done" he says pulling away slightly. "You are a good person Y/N, even if you don't see it i do" he says holding a hand to your cheek a shiver goes down your spine and pull away from him and face a different direction.

"What just happened? I feel weird... like theirs butterflies or something in me, is this normal?" Palpatine tries hiding the urge to laugh "well my dear we were sharing a moment..." He says placing his hand over yours. "We can't" you say quickly pulling your hand away "what? What's wrong? You were enjoying it a minute ago..." He says "we're too different, it wouldn't look good for you..." You say looking back at him slightly. He sighs making you fully turn your head and kisses you making you freeze he pulls you closer though as your brain fights with your heart. You grip the collar of his shirt but also wanting to push away so you do after a bit longer "what made you do that?" You ask looking away with arms crossed. "Hmh, because we both wanted to Y/N you shouldn't fight against what you know you want" he says holding a hand to your cheek again. You nod putting your hand over his "how would they react?, If anyone knew about this..." He sighs "you are not a Jedi and I am no Sith" he half jokes "i doubt anyone will care..." He says calmly. "We should rest my love, it's dark and you're still recovering I don't need you hurting yourself more..." He says as he lays back you sigh and nod doing the same but you curl up next to him. He smiles and wraps an arm around you "what happens if the droids find us?" You ask with a yawn "don't worry my love, they won't find us only the clones will find us" he answers as the fire dies down and the dark shields you both from sight you fell happy for the first time in a long time.

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