Krennic X Reader

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You were informed your boyfriend and Tarkin were arguing in the board room believe it or not you outrank them both this was going to be fun to separate them. You thought you'd be able to relax for one night and not worry about your boyfriend causing problems he just liked having credit for his work is all you marched to the board room irritated. "Alright Lads that's enough, I didn't get to touch my whiskey yet now what's this all about?" You asked annoyed looking back and forth between Tarkin and Krennic "it was nothing, Grand General the Director here was confused on our standards nothing more" Tarkin tells you politely. You're the youngest Grand General and the only female thats made it that far Tarkin admired your ambition and determination hence why he's kind with you he's seen a few of your battle scars his were impressive too. "Is this true Director?" You ask him curious "yes...Grand General" he huffs "perhaps you need a reminder" you suggest "my office, once this dispute is over with and I'll remind you how I deal with insolent interruptions is that clear?" You ask them "understood" Tarkin replies first "crystal" Krennic replies hesitantly walking out with you. "Did you really need to come down here?" Krennic asks you annoyed with you "not my fault the troopers come to me when you and Tarkin are at it Orson, I swear you're like an old married couple..." You mutter to Orson. "He looks down on me even though I'm an upper Rank!" He shouts "maybe it's because your woman outranks you" you tease him "now you know I promised I'd never leave you despite when we met when I was a Moff and you were a Vice Admiral" he tells you with a slight hint of whine.

"I know, and you've been nothing but loving and sweet ever since" you tell him as you pull him into your office and into a kiss he slams his fist on the button that closes your door behind you both he wraps his arms around your waist. "And tomorrow we're going to my home on Naboo, and wont have to deal with work for awhile" you says as you pulled from his kiss "oh three months much needed, what does Tarkin have against me anyway?" Krennic questions. "He's an ass to everyone love..." You start to explain "he isn't to you though" he argues "I outrank him he has to be civilized Orson..." you begin again "Vader outranks him and Vader is Tarkins dog now" Krennic states you sighed and nodded. "Alright, you are right...but you shouldn't let him get to you like that a-and he does know we are an item..." You hesitantly admit "he knows?" Krennic asks looking at you like you are insane. "There's nothing that goes against us being together unless I start showing I favor you over everyone here if you were to get into actual trouble" you tell him to calm him down "but whos to say you don't favor me?" He asks you with a brow raised. "Well he found out when you outranked me..." You say as you pulled away and headed to your desk where your whiskey was waiting "starting the vacation without me dear?" He asks teasingly "there's a glass for you too Orson" you tell him "ooo" he replies approaching you. "If we really want to start it early I could get you out of that uniform..." He hints before nipping your earlobe "oh, we could..." You think on it "but there's something I'm saving for that occasion on Naboo" you say turning to face him.

"It hasn't stopped us in your cabin before" he hints before taking his drink "our cabin, Orson" you correct him "the Emperor doesn't care what we do, so long we do our jobs" you add pouring another drink for yourself. "Right, our cabin" he agrees with a small smile "how come Vader is Tarkins pet but not you?" Orson asks "because, Tarkin learned his lesson what happens if you try to order me around he's had his fair share of fights so have I but he wasn't a match for me..." You say trailing off before drinking some more. "You FOUGHT Tarkin?" Orson asks surprised you smile slightly "got him pinned and he begged for mercy because of how hard I was going with throwing punches" you say "hmm, how come I've never heard of this till now?" He asks getting another drink for himself. "Because, at his age he can still fight like a pro and I don't want to embarrass my Grand Moff..." You say sounding sincere "you actually like him?" Orson questions "hes...handsome" you say sort of hiding more from Orson. "Y/N...what else?" He questions you sternly "alright I have glanced at his ass a time or two..." You admit "a-and considering he spars shirtless" you hesitantly add. Krennic gasps "Y/N!" You laugh "you are absolutely adorable when you get jealous Orson" you tell him taking another drink you notice his feelings have been hurt "oh I'm sorry lovey, you know I love you more than anything" you say wrapping your arms around his neck. He sighs putting his forehead to yours "you are the only thing that keeps me sane, and you're right I shouldn't be jealous of Tarkin because you love me and not him" he says softly.

"Exactly, now about getting you out of your uniform..." You start as you guided him backwards to the bedroom attached to your office "m-my uniform? I said I wanted to get you ou-...." He didn't quite understand teasing so you shut him up with a kiss. "Mh...mhm" is all you got as a response from him you pulled away and got him seated Krennic but before you could make your next move your communicator was going off you sighed and Activated it. "Yes?" You replied flatly "Grand General, It's Tarkin I need to speak with you, it's urgent" he says "o-oh, alright I'll meet you on the bridge?" you hesitantly tell him "no, my quarters... it's closer to you" he says you sigh and peck Orson on the lips before heading for your door. "Be careful darling..." He says concerned he doesn't like it when you have to be alone with Tarkin "it'll be fine Orson" you say as you leave him you hurried to Tarkins quarters. "Grand Moff? You called "enter" he replied you do enter only to see him sitting at his desk calmly looking over papers you sighed "really Tarkin, it's hard to tell what's actually urgent with you sometimes" you huff. "Director Krennic is going with you to Naboo yes?" He asks with a slight growl "yes, why? What's that got to do with you calling me here?" You ask as he leaves his desk slowly approaching you. "Oh I just think you're too good for Director Krennic..." He starts casually "excuse me?" You question "you need someone like me to show you how to really get to where you want to be" he says as he lifts your chin you swat him away.

"We were drunk and that had nothing to do with work and that was before I joined, you and Krennic need to get over yourselves and let this stupid feud die" you hissed he scoffed "you didn't complain" he remarks you slap him "huh, I didn't cut myself on your kindly leave me alone" you huff before leaving. He just fell harder for you as he held a hand to his cheek Tarkins been trying to get you to leave Krennic for years this wasn't the first time that's for sure. You went back to your quarters in a huff "god! I could kill him sometimes..." You growled "who? What?" Orson asks confused "fucking Tarkin, he thinks you're not good enough for me and I could do so much better" you huff leaning back against a wall. He sighed getting up and making his way to you "why did you never tell me? Harassment like that is not alright, are you okay?" Orson asks you as he took your hands in his you sigh. "Yeah, I'm alright I just can't wait to be off this ship for awhile" you tell him "neither can I, come on forget about Tarkin and relax oh but your protocol droid said your personal ship should be ready soon" he says. "Oh perfect, why don't we head to the hangar bay?" You suggest "lets, oh let me tuck away the whiskey first..." He says going to clean off your desk you sigh "nobody will even be allowed in here since I'll be gone" you hint. "You know it would bother me if it was left out" Orson says finishing up cleaning up "oh don't I know it" you replied as you both began to leave and headed for his personal ship "now about getting you out of that uniform later..." You started as you two boarded getting ready for take off he was intrigued and listened to what you were suggesting he liked this side of his girl it was going to be an interesting vacation.

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