Palpatine x reader P2

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As the two of you exited the ship you froze as you saw Dooku headed your way, Palpatine gently takes your hand and keeps you beside him "relax" he whispers as the three of you meet up. "My master" Dooku greets him "and Jedi Master Y/N, i heard you'd be coming" he smiles softly you take a frightened step back "darling he won't hurt you" Palpatine says calmly. "H-hello..." You stutter gripping Palpatines hand as the droids swarm the area patrolling and a few separatists walk about "come darling this way" Palpatine says pulling you with him. You stay quiet and with fear in your heart Palpatine could sense the discomfort in you and gently traced his thumb along your knuckles and wrapped an arm around your waist "relax" he whispers. You hesitantly nod "i am trying but i am honestly terrified" you whispered back to him he sighs "look at me" he says stopping you two and making you look at him. "Y/N you love me right?" You sigh "of course i love you Sheev...". You reply "then trust me this will make a future where we can be open about us much like your brother and Amidala" he tells you holding a hand to your cheek. You sigh leaning into his touch "trust me my love this is good for all of us" he says before leaving a small kiss upon your lips "come on, let's get you settled so you can relax a little" he whispers. "My Master let two droids take her to your room, a sudden problem needs your attention" Palpatine sighs and leaves with two sepratists Dooku smiles slightly "he talks a great deal about you Jedi...i hope you can see past my known self" Dooku says taking your hand and kissing it gently. Making you blush you then leave with two droids who know where to go "here you are Jedi, The Chancellor should be with you shortly" you nod entering the room and sit alone on the bed.

"My Master how did she handle the news?" Dooku asked Palpatine "she was or rather is scared and confused but her love keeps her with me and on my side" he informs him. Dooku sighs "in her eyes you can see how she's feeling" Dooku tells him as Palpatine sighs "i know, i will tend to her in just a moment once the droids report in" he says. Back to you being alone Palpatine had a lot of books, pictures, and drawings one of the pictures you smiled at a bird spooked him and he fell back into the fountain and you happened to get a picture of him sitting up in the fountain but then he pulled you in shortly after. You giggle picking it up and smiling then finding another one of just you in a summer dress standing beside rose bushes your dress was red too Palpatine loved it when you wore his color especially the darker shades of red. You layed back on the bed and folded your arms behind you and under the pillow to feel something wooden sitting up you pull whatever it is out from under the pillow then have an "awe..." Expression. You remember when you gave him this wooden figure of two hummingbirds shaping a heart. You sigh but smile and slip the figure back under the pillow pretending you never saw it he treasured it and never told anyone you sigh wanting to go find Sheev but he said you needed to stay put and relax. He wanted to go check on you but also thought processing all this alone may be better than him showing up for now but Dooku urged him to go check on you at least so he caved.

You were laying down and your back facing the wall you had no way of telling anyone what you just found out and he took your lightsaber too. So if you tried to get to a com room or something you'd get shot instantly you were agile as fuck but to a point you know? Palpatine knew you had to be freaking out a little bit about that. "Darling?" He cooes entering the bedroom "hm?" You reply "are you alright?" He asks "y-yes..." You force out "my love i can tell when something is bothering you, you want to tell someone about this yes?" He asks as you nod. He sighs and sits beside you with a hand on your shoulder "I'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner Y/N, i didn't know how you would handle it but Dooku said i couldn't hide it forever" he squeezes your shoulder "i still love you, and i want to stand with you but why? Why the Sith?" You ask. He has no words for this he honestly doesn't know how to word it you sigh and sit up now facing him "if you told me as soon as we became an item maybe i wouldn't be" "Frightened? Confused? Lost?" He lists a few words "all of the above" you reply. "I'm grateful you still want to be by me Y/N, it means the world to me but..." He sighs "you swear you won't speak a word of this right?" He asks hopeful. You sigh "I won't tell a soul BUT If someone finds out about us AND this i know nothing of the this" you tell him sternly "it's only fair my darling i grant you that..." He says sitting beside you. You keep your eyes off him looking in the opposite direction of him he takes your hand once more your mind is at war you want to kiss him and be held by him for comfort but also slap him and leave. He decides to hug you from behind buryin his face in your neck "i love you so much Y/N I don't know what i would do if I hadn't met you" he says muffledly he lifts his head slightly "I won't let anything keep us apart, I didn't think i could find my dream woman but i have" he says "please say something?" He pleads with sadness in his eyes.

"Don't you feel the same?" He asks pulling away "i did, i thought you were perfection but this really is a lot to take in Sheev" you tell him facing him now. He sighs "i know, but you must still feel the is love regardless" he says you hesitate but reply "of course i feel the same Sheev, how couldn't i? Life without you would be... depressing" you tell him. He smiles softly "i knew you would, just needed a little reassurance is all" he teases you sigh but smile "don't make me..." You start "make you what?" He asks "i... didn't get that far dammit..." You whine. He chuckles "figured you didn't" he teased "i could kill you" you say flatly "but you won't" he replies he says sweetly "you love me" he adds "unfortunately" you reply he sighs but kisses your cheek. "Y/N, I truly should have told you this the moment we knew we were meant to be..." He starts "i had a small part of my heart doubt that you'd remain with me but the rest was stronger and knew you wouldn't leave my side" he says sweetly. "Never, I'd die of a broken heart Sheev i couldn't leave you if i wanted too" he smiles slightly "I don't think I'd let you go" he says before kissing you gently he sighs. "My darling this may be an awful time for this..." "For what?" You ask "Marry me?" He asks shaking slightly holding a golden ring with sapphires and rubies sparkling in the light "Sheev..." You started to say.

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