Cad Bane x reader

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(May The Fourth Be With You!)

Your father was a patient Sith, Dooku raised you that is reason enough and he somehow stayed calm since your Bounty Hunter boyfriend was fashionably late collecting his pay from your Dad. He understood why Bane liked you, a wild girl who wasn't afraid of being reckless and possibly getting insanely hurt. And you made Grievous actually care about something for once which was you he practically watched you grow up and help raised you after your mother died/left. So he's kinda your robo mom? He adored you nonetheless that's why right now he was walking around with you on his shoulders while having a serious conversation with your Dad and he was trying so hard not to laugh but that spread to making you and Grievous laugh your Dad sighed but smiled. "Alright General that is all" your Father says Grievous nods and sets you down "later Y/N we'll hang around some more" he'd smile if he could you nod and smiled he patted your head then he walked away backhanding a droid that awed making you snicker. Your Dad smiles "Y/N, you remind me so much of your mother" you sigh "I know Dad you tell me that all the time" he chuckles "and i mean it every time" he replies. "Dad have you heard from Bane recently? I'm growing worried his last transmission cut out" he sighs "be patient my dear he'll arrive any minute now i promise" he takes your little hands in his "i am so proud of you darling, you've become such a smart young woman, just like your mother" he smiles. You smile to "thank you Dad, you're so cheesy when you want to be" you say as you hug him he chuckles "yes but it's all true sweetheart" he says you hesitate but nod in agreement. "Oh how sweet, hope I'm not interrupting anything" you smile widely "Bane!" You squeal turning around as he picks you up and twirls you around "hello little lady, miss me?" You nod "of course i did!" You kiss his cheek. Making him smile he keeps an arm around you "greetings Dooku, how's life?" He asks "grand, now i transferred the credits to your account and please go on with my daughter she's been dying to see you" Bane chuckles.

"Dying? Promises promises Y/N, good to know you missed me" he nudges you "well of course i missed you Bane" he kisses your cheek. "So what shall we do while I'm here huh?" You think for minute "i actually have something for you, come on it's in my room" he nods sarcastically saluting Dooku as you two leave. "I found something you've been missing..." You go to your closet "me? Missing something other than you?" He chuckles you smile "that hat isn't as great as the original... don't you think?" You say turning around holding his old hat he smiles "where did you find it?" He asks "found it back with Hondo, after we fled his planet when he was covering for us to escape during the attack..." He takes off the smaller less glorious hat placing the correct one on his head. "Oh sweetheart, thank you" he pulls you into a hug holding you against him "i missed this old thing..." He mutters you smile "i knew you'd like it back" you say "of course i would, but i missed you just a bit more..." He teases as he dips you and begins kissing your neck. "B-ane my father is still home, not now..." You whine he chuckles "too late, let him hear you" he says continuing his mark "B-ane!" You shriek "what?" He groans "let it be like that time on Naboo, not giving a fuck" he says. Blushing badly "w-we don't talk about Naboo..." You say flatly "oh i bet Daddy doesn't know" Cad teases "not. Funny. At all" you say "oh?" He raises a brow "Daddy doesn't know i bent over his princess?" He smirks "Bane i will shoot you" you say trying not to giggle.

"My god you're beautiful" he says randomly you smile a little "you always tell me that my love" you reply with a sigh "well you know deep down you scare the absolute Nexu shit out of me..." You giggle "really? That's so sweet..." You say. "Well you are Dookus daughter, him being your dad alone would scare anyone" he states "well not wrong in the slightest about that...did he scare you too?" You ask "ha! No...never I don't fear the Sith" he says definitely you hear the fear in his voice. You sigh but smile "sure i believe you Bane" you tease he sighs "how did i fall for you?" He asks "you literally fell on me through an air vent and took one look in my eyes and fell" you tell him he chuckles. "My question is how did i fall for you?" You ask him curious "similar, only you had been in love with me for awhile before you broke my fall" you smile "not wrong..." you reply. He holds you close "I'm glad i get to be here with you, perhaps my next bounty you could come with?" He asks harmlessly "Bane you know my father hates the idea of me being a bounty hunter..." You sigh he takes a seat on your bed "well it's not you being a bounty hunter, it's just you tagging along i wouldn't mind you being part of my world a bit more" he says sweetly taking your hands.

You smile slightly "i know Bane, but he'd rather not have me doing that..." You sigh looking away "wait, what's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing... it's fine..." You reply "no no, what's wrong? Where's my smiling sunshine?" He asks pulling you onto his lap "he lost my mom that way..." You begin tearing up "she was a bounty hunter, and once i was born and old enough to not need her as much she went back to work and her target killed her..." You say tearing up more. Bane looks at you shocked and concerned he pulls you close letting you hide your face against his chest "why didn't you ever tell me this before? I-i that why you get scared when i leave?" He asks as you nod "y-yeah, i love you so much i don't want to lose you too..." You sob. "Calm down, it's alright look maybe i need a Sith to protect me?" He smiles a little making you look at him you smile slightly "if anything I'd die for you..." You tell him "and I'd die for you" he replies holding a hand to your cheek. You quickly kiss him "well, if i did lose you there's always Hondo..." He glares at you "you wouldn't go from a bounty hunter to a pirate..." He growls making you giggle. "Kidding Cad, only kidding I'd probably ask out Savage" he gasps offended "you wouldn't do that, you're a terrible liar" he says before pulling you back into a kiss you squeak and try pulling away clearly he needs to teach you a lesson about lying to him and teasing like that.

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