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humming his way to the floor the designer smiled looking down at the new created album design that he just finished creating, as the door opened Mr Kim smiled to the guards walking inside the floor, from a distance he could see Seokjin's office light was still on, he titled his head aside thinking why Seokjin would still be in at this time

"that's weird, seokjin always leaves pretty early..." taehyung started to walk again, he was curious about why seokjin was still in his office, extra work? no he always tells his assistants to do that, he pretty much doesn't have anything else to do, taehyung eyebrows frowed a little...

he doesn't know if he should go in there or just leave the floor, standing outside the office he witnessed Mr Min and Mr Jung looking through the office, hoseok was going through his desk and Yoongi was ready to fall asleep any minute now, taehyung decided to go in there, so he opened the door and as soon as he did hoseok started to panic turning around quickly while Yoongi was standing there holding his hand behind his back looking like a pregnant women that's about to go in labor any minute now

"oh god it's only taehyung..." hoseok moved closer to the younger, placing his hand on his shoulder, kim taehyung was always out of the drama, the thing is he didn't want to get in all the drama in the company all he wanted was to make albums and for a while that's all that he did, until Seokjin started to take an interest in him, it was around two years ago, taehyung was minding his own business talking to the boss about having his own floor as a head, but there wasn't any space for him due to the other heads being more important, as namjoon and Seokjin are quite close Seokjin came across taehyung in namjoons office

he looked perfect in seokjin's eyes, he wanted taehyung to be his little sidekick, his little dog and in returned Seokjin would give him one of his floors until this day taehyung still didn't get his floor as promised by Seokjin which annoyed him to the core

"what are you doing here..?" taehyung asked the both of them, hoseok looked back at Yoongi for support but the older gave him a little gesture taking a seat in a near by chair, hoseok looked back at taehyung trying to get him to their side at the very least make him silent for a few weeks

"we were just curious about seokjin, he's just acting weird lately and we thought he might be hiding something, at least in his office..." as the two talked Yoongi received a a phone call from one of his assistants

"Mr Min, Mr Kim is coming back to the company, he's on his way to his floor right now.." Yoongi quickly closed the phone grabbing hoseok by the arm

"Seokjin is back, we need to leave now..."

The next day

"I'm busy..." Mr Min replied back to the knock on the door, but the person didn't listen and opened the door stepping inside Yoongi's territory, the male was clearly annoyed looking up at the person who had a dirty smirk on his lips, walking closer to his desk

"Mr Min, or shall I call you Yoongi..?" Seokjin commented noticing the multiple empty hang over drinks at the side of the desk, at this point Seokjin was pressing buttons, crossing lines that Yoongi didn't like..

"Seokjin leave the room before I call my guards..." the man chuckled placing the side of his body on his desk, resting there

"your so what called guards won't lay a finger on me, I have a higher position here did you forget that..?"  Yoongi sighed getting up from his desk

"what do you want..?" Seokjin casually placed his hands inside his pockets, watching the small male walking around his desk and stand right beside him

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