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1 hour later...

"Miss Y/N Ma..?" my eyes were about to fall out, not another person about to greet me because I am "Mr Kim's girlfriend.." I placed a smile on my face, turning around getting ready to lie in once again...

"namjoons new girlfriend..?" why does she look familiar, wasn't she the one from the meeting, the women with the red suit, there she wore a beautiful white dress that fit her perfectly, her hair laid on her shoulders....

"yeah, nice to meet you..." she took my hand as she spoke...

"you too, I never thought namjoon was going to get a girlfriend that quick..." I did pick up on something, she doesn't call him Mr Kim but namjoon, I won't be suprised if she had a relationship with him at all..

"I am sorry I need to go..." yes I lied, I don't want to have a conversation with her right now...

"sure thing, talk later..." hopefully not, I turned around grabbing another cup of red wine, scanning the place, suddenly my phone started to vibrate as soon as I seen the caller id I walked outside the house where I could have some fresh air....


"hi Y/N, how are you doing..?" I missed talking to her...

"am okay how are you rose..." she chuckled and when she does I know there's something good going on...

"alright spill, what's going on...?"

"okay listen, Mr Kim talked to me and told me I can join his new girl group that he's training under his label..." Mr Kim? Seokjin? that man is making moves...

"he also asked me..."

"really! that's amazing! we can debute together!"

"I don't know, I am not under his label and here I am assisting the boss-" she quickly cut me off

"girl relax, training doesn't start until next month, you have a whole month to solve what you have and place yourself under his label, get Mr Kim a new assistants and job done, I don't think Seokjin is letting you go though, he's keeping you for sure..." what makes you so sure? anything could happen after all, all of sudden I could feel a presence behind me..

"I'll talk to you later..."

"alright girl speak soon..." she hung up as I placed my phone inside my back, turning around to see who's behind me...

"Mr Wang..?" every time I see him he's smiling at me, his hands were inside his pockets as he observed me once again...

"Y/N, can I ask you a question..?" why am I scared to answer what he has..

"go ahead Mr Wang..."

1 hour before...

"because you are mine..." why did my heart stop beating? I was numb, I couldn't move at all, what does he mean..? he had absoutle no expression while he said that at all, I don't know what to do...

"don't pull that stunt again Y/N..." I wanted to say something but I couldn't, I wanted to speak about that stupid notebook but I couldn't, it's like my tongue was gone and I couldn't say a word, I hated it...

he kissed my neck before turning around heading for the door..

"come on..."

Present day

everyone was slowly leaving the party, it has been around two to three hours and all I want is to sleep, namjoon had his arms around my back as he spoke to some company dealers, they wanted to collberate with Kim Entertainment so they set a date for tommorrow to have a long ass meeting about it which am probably going to pass away, why did I agree to this job again, if I only went to Seokjin on time I would be preparing for my debute by now...

"thank you Mr Kim, we'll see you tomorrow..." they all bowed, leaving towards the exit, finally we also headed towards the door, god I miss that big bed..

"Miss Ma, you will be attending the meeting tomorrow as well..." let me die now, these meetings are so boring, how do they all cope, I nodded as we both entered the car...

Hotel room...

new message from best friend 👀

hello Y/N! I heard that you finally came here! Please let's meet up, I am free tomorrow in the morning! I can't wait to see you again!!

Returning from the shower I could see my phone lit up, if it's another message from Seokjin I will not hesitate to go back to Seoul, as soon as I opened it, I wanted to cry, it's been forever since we met...

Y/N: hiii! yes let's meet at 8! Can't wait!!

the door immediately opened, my smile dropped to the floor, he headed towards the shower, he looked so angry what the hell

"Miss Ma meeting begins at 8:30 don't be late..." he continued to walk inside the bathroom, wait 8:30? great now I have 30 minutes to catch up....

The next morning...


"Y/N over here..." as she crossed the road, she finally heart a familiar voice, there he stood under a tree, waving as he smiled...

she started to move faster as she could see a figure not that far away from her, she smiled just looking at him, as soon as they become closer he gave her a hug, wrapping his arms around her back, she did the same..

"it's so good to see you again..." he spoke, gently rubbing her back..

"it's good to see you in one piece..." she joked as he giggled..

Not so far away from the pair, there stood a black car parked on the side of the road, the person go his glasses on, as he tightened his arms around the wheel looking at the both of them make contact with each other's bodies, did he look mad? definitely his thoughts were all over the place, why is feeling like that? what makes her so special from the rest? why is she holding him back? why is his actions turning into feelings...?

"Y/N, what are you doing..?"

?" ~

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