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A few weeks later...
after the dance session..

"great everyone! I loved everyones hard work today!
Let's keep it until the end! see you all tomorrow bright and early!" Mr Jung stood inside his dance studio on floor one, wrapping up the session for today..

"Yes Mr Jung!!" the whole classed yelled, their voices echoing inside the dance studio bringing a smile to the teachers face..

"You are now dismissed, I have another session to get to.." he started to exit the room as the students nodded, collecting all their belongings

"Y/N right..?" a voice filled her ears, she turned around looking at the male next to her...

"yes, do I know you..?" he smiled shaking his head...

"no you don't. my name is bambam, I am your dance partner for this floor..."

Name: BamBamAge: 23 years oldPosition: trainee (Min Yoongi's label)

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Name: BamBam
Age: 23 years old
Position: trainee (Min Yoongi's label)

he had his bag back against his back, the sweat after the lesson was clearly shown on his forehead, she smiled looking up at him...

"nice to meet you..." he gladly took her hand in his, shaking it...

"great to meet you Y/N, I was wondering if your free so we can't discuss about the dance..?" he is quick, he doesn't want anything to go wrong in his career, even if they have a week to complete this dance, he wil do it the day Mr Jung informed his students, she looked at the time on her phone...


"sure, how about we eat before starting again..?" he nodded, she grabbed her belongings as they both headed towards the cafeteria in floor 1, floor was was strictly for trainees who are staring from the bottom like Y/N is or if their label is with Hoseok, as he owns the whole floor, there are different cafeterias in different areas, dorm rooms for the individual who can't afford their own place, clothes, supplies you name it, this is why Kim Entertaiments is so highly spoken of, they are own of the top company in the whole of Korean...

"so what are you thinking of with this whole dance..?" she asked the male, they both placed their food on the table, sitting opposite each other, she placed her belongs on the chair next to her, she grabbed a hair tie from her wrist, gathering her short brown her together, wrapping it up...

"I was thinking a little hiphop..." bambam raised his eyebrows a little, looking at her..

"I think that would be great, I heard Mr Jung really likes simple and fun choreography, we should definitely add that in to our dance.." come to think of it she never had the chance to dance before, all she was focusing on was her singing and that's what got her to be such a good singer, not a moment in mind did dance come out, but it's a part of debuting you have to have some sort of dance skills to fit the group, that's why she's pushing herself so much..

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