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Name: Jasmine Age: 25 years old Rate: 5/10

I don't know what to say, I don't know how to feel, this was two days ago, my head is spinning, I didn't know I was going to find this here, of course I was curious and I wanted to know if he did anything with anyone but I didn't expect him to actually break his own rule like that, my heart is beating so fast I don't know what to do, this is so hard to take in, harder than I thought, what was I even expecting from this...? was I expecting a while relationship..? maybe just maybe, but I was wrong I also am wrong, I opened up too much, I gave him everything, I seen the real him and went for it I laughed with him, smiled with him and what did he do to me..? stabbed me right in the back, why did I even agree to this from the beginning I should have never signed that contract, I should have never got involved with him from the start, I came her for my career and not a relationship, and that's what I will be doing from now on, I quickly placed the notebook back, grabbing my phone and closing the door of the car, I started walking away from the house, I don't want to see him again, I can't see him again as soon as I do, I'll start to feel some sort of feelings that I don't want..

"I can't believe it..." I whispered to myself, walking away from the house anywhere but that house, the tears couldn't stop, and I let them fall, I needed them to fall for them not to fall later, I needed to be strong, I had to be strong for myself, no one will do this for me, the tears continued to fall a river and I couldn't do anything about it...

The next day...
author POV

she knocked on his door with one purpose, she wanted to complete that and just leave...

"come in..." she opened the door, walking straight in...

"Y/N where do you go yesterday, when came downstairs I didn't find you outside at all..."

"Mr Kim, I am not staying in your label any longer, I already signed all the papers here they are.." she placed the papers down ontop of his desk...

"I am moving under Mr Seokjins, don't worry about me being your assistant, I already found you a new one, she's very experienced I picked out the best one for you, and lastly I also want to end our contract here.." she placed the documents of the contract, her signature already on the paper to end a relations between the both of them...

"that's all I have to say, goodbye Mr Kim..." she bowed down turning around walking towards the door...

"wait.." he stood up from his chair, walking
around toward her, he gently grabbed both her hands in his...

"what happened between yesterday and today..? why are you acting like this..?" she roughly took her hand away from his...

"I don't need to answer your questions..." she was about to turn around once again but was stopped...

"I am still your boss, I want you to answer all my questions right now..." she signed just wanting this to be over...

"I don't think it's the right time nor place for this
conversation Mr Kim..."

"fine we will talk later when everyone's gone..." she nodded trying to keep her tears to herself...


"Yes Miss Ma, come in..."  she made her way in his office...

"please take a seat..." she did as told and took a seat..

"to what do I owe this arrival Miss Ma.." she placed the documents on his desk..

"I signed the papers and I want to move under your label Mr Kim..." he placed his hands on the table, smiling at her...

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