twenty three

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"Mr Jung moved you too..?" after grabbing a few snacks from the cafeteria in the building, bambam and Y/N entered the elevator heading for their first session in their new floor...

"yeah he did, I'm quite surprised, I didn't know our dance was that powerful..." bambam placed all his snacks inside his bag before they could arrive...

"what are you doing..?"

"I heard Mr Min doesn't like it when trainees bring food on his floor, it's actually a rule written down on his wall, it gets him so mad..." when it comes to food Mr Min has the power to fire you right on the spot, he hates it, yes you can have food before or after but not while you're in his floor, it's his rules and you follow them, looking at her food she started to worry, she's not carrying any bag it's in her locker, which is on the floor...

"I don't have a bag..." bambam opened his bag reaching it towards her, "just but it here, I'll give it to you later..." she smiled placing a her food inside, he quickly zipped it up a second later the door opened to floor three, as usual there stood two guards, Y/N showed them her invitation but bambam didn't need to, they stepped sideways letting them enter...

"a meeting in three mintues sharp..." one of the guards gave them a heads up, looking at their faces they are both nerves, entering the floor all the other trainees were seated, they were talking among themselves, both of them quickly rushed to get a seat, as soon as the office door opened silence hit the floor, the trainees rose like fireworks from their seats, immediately bowing down not looking at the head floor at all, it was scary to even meet his eyes, Mr Min straightly walked with his hands in his trousers pocket, having his assistant right behind him he stood right infront of the the crowd of trainees

"good morning, have a seat everyone..." the trainees took their seats once again as Mr Min started to talk...

"welcome to your first day on floor three, I will firstly go going over this floor's rules and then I'll go through what needs to be done to go onto the next floor.." he started to pace slowly back and forth...

"listen up because I'm definitely not repeating myself twice, no eating on my floor, I don't care if you didn't eat anything for the whole day, you should have ate before you came here, especially dancers you would be eating three times a week and drinking your water, same goes for the singers, secondly I want you all on time coming here and also leaving, I will not tolerate anyone coming late..." he paused for a few seconds continuing again

"I'm pretty sure you all know that relationships are prohibited in Kim Entertainment.." his gaurd quickly gulped readjusting his tie slightly..

"in the last few months there were a totally of five relationships on other floors, it never happened here and it will never happen on my floor, I have cameras all over this floor so don't even bother trying anything because you will simply get caught and you can kiss your asses goodbye.." his pacing continued but it slowly became faster as he spoke...

"back talking or gossiping about others are strictly not allowed, if you are getting bullied talk to my assistant he'll sort it out, also my office is strictly private I don't allow trainees inside unless it's very important, so please do hesitate if you want anything I have other individuals to take care of.." he looked around observing everyone that avoided any sort of contact with Mr Min..

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