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"I'll take you home today Miss Ma..."  he made his way inside the elevator as I followed behind quickly..

"that's okay Mr Kim, I can take the bus-" I couldn't finish speaking before he cut in, pressing the parking lot button...

"Miss Ma transport is not running anymore.." how can I forget that? transport doesn't run at this time, I should have know, what if Mr Kim wasn't here? how would I have gotten home? after a minute or so the elevator finally stopped at the parking lot, the male walked out staying completely quite, his phone against his ears as he walking towards his car, I quickly followed behind, my heels making the loudest sounds...

"what do you mean tomorrow..?" I could hear him curse under his breath, running his fingers through his black long hair, he opened his car getting in, I made it to the back seat, I didn't want to seem unprofessional as all, I'd rather be safe than sorry..

"okay I understand..." he hung up, placing his phone in between his thigns, before I knew it he was looking at me through the mirror...

"Miss Ma, you can make you're way to the passenger seat, quickly..." I had no choice in this, I made my way to the passenger seat as he started to put his seatbelt on, but before he started the car he turned around looking at me, his face moved closer to mine, his hand resting on the back of my seat, I could feel his breath on my skin, I was nervous, frozen I didn't know what to do, out of now where his other hand made its way to the edge, quickly grabbed the seatbelt and securing it as he started the engine, I would see a smirk forming on his lips, what was he trying to do?

"Miss Ma..." his voice was deep and husky, his hands was gripped tightly around the steering wheel..

"yes Mr Kim..?" why do I sound so nervous..

"you're address..?"

"behind the mall, number 67.." he didn't say a word, continuing to drive further towards my apartment, the road was pretty empty so it was a bit faster to get there, I took my seatbelt off ready to go...

"Miss Ma.." I turned around facing him as his eyes laid on mine..

"pack your bags and get ready tommorrow morning at 7am, we are going overseas..." overseas? and tomorrow? is he crazy?

"there are several meetings that I need to attend, and if you're wondering why you need to attend is because you are my personal assistant, you need to also be there, you can leave now.." all I could do was nodd my head and leave the car, I closed the door after me and headed inside...

"a meeting overseas..?" I whispered as I walked towards my apartment, as I did my phone started to ring from my purse, standing infront of my door, I looked at the caller Id

Mr Kim

what does he want now? I opened my door as I placed my phone against my ears..

"yes Mr Kim..?"

"hello Y/N..." that's not Mr Kim, the voice is completely different...

"it's Kim Seokjin..."

"you might be wondering why I am calling this late, I do apologize for calling this late also but I need you to come to my office early in the morning at around 7:30am..." does he not know about what's happening tommorrow?

"Mr Kim, me and the boss are going overseas, I don't think I'll be able to make it..." I could hear a sign from the other side of the phone, he sounded annoyed..

"alright Miss Ma, I'll send you a few documents, have a great night..." the second that he hung up he sent me a file, I walked further into the apartment grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, I opened the file...

Mr Kims label
New girls group


Authors POV
the next day...

the plane finally landed safely, from the airport straight to the hotel, this flight took half the day, there were a few meetings that they both need to atttned later this evening, but for now hotel rooms...

"two rooms under Mr Kim..." the male was tired, his eyes were hall asleep, his assistant stood two feet away from him, holding her suitcase as they waited...

"I am very sorry Mr Kim but there is only one room available at the moment..." the male receptionist replied..

"that's can't be correct, check again, Kim Namjoon.." he was getting angry very second that went pass, he himself ordered two separate rooms before the flight, this must be a misunderstanding...

"sorry Mr Kim, there's only one room for you..." there was only one room available right now, and it's really late all the other hotels are probably all fully booked at well..

"fine give me the keys..." the rage in his eyes continued to grow, walking towards the elevator as their suitcases were personally carried by a staff member, she felt scared, terrified sharing the same room for a week straight, not only that but sharing the same bed, all sorts of worries were rambling around her head, her eyes were on the floor not daring to bring it up, finally the doors opened walking towards room 23...

"sir this is you're room.."

"I know..." Namjoon looked down at him, waiting for him to leave, the other bowed as he left the two alone...

he quickly opened the door walking in the huge room as the girl slowly and nervously followed behind, he placed his bag aside knowing he can't change due to the sudden meeting, he turned around looking down at the small girl...

"I have a meeting in half and hour, you don't need to attend for this one but you will for tomorrow..." she nodded as he walked towards the door, before she knew it he left...

"what is happening to me?!" she threw herself on the bed yelling onto the pillow, suddenly the door opened back up, she froze slowly turning around..

"Miss Ma, I keep my things very organised, I won't be happy if I see this room messy at all.." not a single expression on his face, his fingers tightly wrapped around the knob of the door...

"yes of course Mr Kim..." he closed the door but this time more roughly and loud..

"I am definitely not surviving this week.."

" ~

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