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The next day...
Kim Entertainment

she was finally back at the company, there were so many things that changed for her, two guards has to remain infront of each and every floor to make sure other individual that are not from the floor does not enter, they can enter if they have a note from any of the head labels, if not they don't have the right, the company has become very strict, more than before and that's getting a little scary, the doors of the elevator opened, the guards immediately stepped away, giving him all right of way, he walked in with confidence as soon as her eyes landed on his, she wanted to simply pass away...

"Is Mr Kim in his office..?" he stood infront of her little desk outside Mr Kims office, she was stuck she couldn't speak, he looked at her name on her desk

"Miss Ma is it..?" he looked intimidating, how can he not, his hands inside his pockets as his black hair laid on his forehand...

" y-es Mr Min, he's inside, I'll let him know.." she pressed the speaker button that connects her to namjoon..."


"Mr Kim, Mr Min want to meet you..."

"send him in.." she nodded

"you can go in Mr Min..." he nodded walking pass her and into the office behind her...

she's been a fan of Min Yoongi since day one, all she wanted was a sign..? maybe a picture..? that's never going to happen..

her phone suddenly vibrated..

Miss Ma, can you come to my office please, you can show this message to my guards


can I go or do I need to take Mr Kim's permission first..? I don't know what to do, it's better being safe than sorry later, she walked towards the door, knocking of course before entering...

"come in..." she opened the door, it looked it the whole room was intense, as soon as I stepped in I know I interrupted something big, Yoongi turned around looking at me, he looked annoyed..

"I need to go to the 12th floor, do you need anything..?"

"no Miss Ma, you may go..." I bowed down before leaving the room, that was so scary, were they arguing..? I grabbed my phone from the desk heading towards the elevator, the guards stepped aside letting me in, I pressed the 12th floor heading down, as soon as the door opened there stood two guards I stepped out of the elevator...

"do you have an invitation..?" one of the guards asked me, I showed them the message Mr Kim sent and they immediately let me in...

she made her way to his voice, knocking the door as he called her in she opened the door closing it afterwards...

"yes Mr Kim..?" there he sat in his king chair, he gestured her to sit down next to him, she walked towards him sitting on the opposite seat, his desk separating the both of them...

"you know I talked about this before, I am not letting you do this easily Y/N, come join my label, you  will be two steps closer to your dream..."

"Yes Mr Kim, I have been thinking about your offer a lot can I talk to the boss about this..?" he leaned forward a little, placing his hands out in his desk...

"sure you can tell namjoon about this, however I think you have the right to make your own decisions about your career, by taking my offer it could lead you to becoming the most famous girl group in the world..." this is really a huge chance for me, he also did agree to make me the main vocalist...

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