Our Family

18 0 0

Leon's pov

"mommy" my daughter tadiea said hugging me from behind.

She had long spiky black hair with red tips and mismatched eyes. One was red and one was blue.

"baby!" I said hugging her back.

"mommy do you think my eyes are weird?" she asked.

"why would you ask that honey?"

"cause the girls at school think there ugly" she whimpered with tears brimming in her eyes.

"well do you know what I think?"


"those girls are jealous cause you have pretty eyes and they don't!" I said picking her up and kissing her.

"you think so?" she asked.

"I know so" I said rubbing noses with her.

"hehe thank you mommy" she said wrapping her arms around me.

"your welcome baby" I said hugging her back.

I love my little girl.

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