I'm Just Not Hungry

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Tw: mention of eating disorder, low self esteem.

Leon's pov

I lay in bed feeling worthless. My body was so ugly I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror without bursting into tears. My shitty dad always made me feel worse about myself so my friend mondo helped me move into my own place but even that didn't make me feel better.

No matter how much I threw up, exercised or avoided eating I still looked fat and ugly. I couldn't stand myself! I sighed, got up and walked to school.

I was greeted by my friends mondo and chihiro. We chatted as we walked to class. Everything was fine until lunchtime came.

"you know Leon I've never seen you eat at dinner time" chihiro said worriedly.

"yeah what the fuck!" mondo growled.

"I'm fine guys I'm just not hungry" I muttered.

"bullshit" mondo yelled slamming the table "now tell us what the fucks wrong with you!"

"there's nothing wrong with me!" I yelled before running off in tears.

I ran to the rooftop where I knew I'd be alone. I collapsed on the bench and burst into tears.

"there's nothing wrong with me there's nothing wrong with me there's nothing wrong with me" I muttered as I tried to control my breathing.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. I shot my head up to see taka the hall monitor. Despite this guy being mondos bro I never really got too close to him. He just seemed too perfect.

"go away!" I yelled at him. I expected him to leave or get angry but instead he smiled kindly at me.

"your right Leon there's nothing wrong with you. You just like everyone else here"

"that's a lie!" I yelled "everyone else here has fun personalitys and perfect bodys while I'm so fat, ugly and boring!"

"Leon why on earth would you say such awful things about yourself" taka said in disbelief. He took a seat next to me and ran his fingers through my hair "I personally always thought you were a very good looking boy even though you ruined your pretty face with those piercings" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Pretty? Good looking? He could possibly be talking about me.

"do you really mean that?" I whimpered.

"of course! I can't believe you don't see it yourself" taka chuckled.

I burst into tears again and hugged him. Those were the words I needed to hear for so long. The words I needed for a confident boost and I got those words of encouragement from taka of all people!

He hugged me back gently "there there Leon I promise it will be ok. I'll help you through this. I'll show you how beautiful you truly are" he sounded so confident. It made me believe in his words even just a little bit.

I guess he really is perfect.

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