Our Family

12 0 0

Leon's pov

"morning mom" I opened my eyes to see my daughter lexi holding a breakfast tray. She had green hair and wore a brown coat.

"good morning sweetheart" I said kissing his forehead "is your father and brother awake yet?"

"yes dad's reading the newspaper and leorio is doing a puzzle at the moment" she said with a gentle smile.

"that's good. Thank you for bringing my breakfast up dear" I said kissing her forehead.

"your welcome mother" he said leaving.

I finished up breakfast, got changed and went downstairs. Lexi and leorio were working on a puzzle in the living room together and leon was reading a newspaper.

I walked up and kissed him on the cheek "good morning leon" I smiled.

"good morning love" he smiled back.

I took a seat next to him and we chatted for a bit about anything that came to mind. It felt so easy talking to him. Everything felt perfect now that he was with me.

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