一 06 ; visiting day ; pt. 2

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visiting day / campus + gyu's pov

visiting day / campus + gyu's pov

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Beomgyu nodded and left the dorm. He decided to hang around with soobin while waiting for his parents to arrive.

"they all look so happy, talking to their parents..." Beomgyu mummbled as he scanned the campus trying to find for his own parents.

"don't worry so much. i'm sure you will have a good time with your parents too." Soobin assured to boy beside him, rubbing his back.

"but their expectations are so high-"

"soobiniee~" Soobin's mum came running to her son as she enveloped him into a huge, warm and welcoming hug.

"how's school been? have you been enjoying yourself? come, we have a lot to talk about. your dad is waiting downstairs, lets go~" his mum said excitedly.

"sorry gyu, i'll catch up with you later. see you!" Soobin smiled at Beomgyu before walking away with his mum.

He really admired Soobin's relationship with his parents. They were so close to each other, his parents loved him no matter the mistakes he had done and they are always there for him.

If only that could be him and his parents.

He continued walking around campus to find his parents but ended up bumping into Yeonjun instead.

"beomgyu? aren't you supposed to be with your parents?" Yeonjun asked as he snacked on a donut.

"yea, they are somewhere here. and you? don't you have to be with your parents?" Beomgyu asked.

"um yea, they are waiting at my room" Yeonjun said as he took another donut.

"then why are you here? aren't you supposed to be at your dorm?"

"just grabbing the snacks, duh." Yeonjun replied before walking away, helping himself to the snack bar.

Beomgyu chuckled before going back to finding his parents. A few minutes passed and he was really close to giving up, until he heard a familiar voice.

"beomgyu-ah! where have you been? your dad and i have been searching for you everywhere!" His mum nagged the minute she saw her son.


"how's school? how are your grades? and are you the captain for your dance team?" His dad started bombarding him with questions.

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