一 13 ; a fight

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taehyun and beomgyu's shared room

A soft rumble that was accompanied by a loud roar from the dark and gloomy sky jolted Beomgyu awake from his slumber

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A soft rumble that was accompanied by a loud roar from the dark and gloomy sky jolted Beomgyu awake from his slumber. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Taehyun who had his face against his ( beomgyu's ) chest, purring softly.

"kitten." Beomgyu chuckled softly.

Beomgyu lazily reached out his arm to grab his phone on the nightstand to check the time. He squinted his eyes a little as the light from the phone illuminated his face.

"8.00am and it's still so dark? Wait- it's 8am- i'm going to be late-"

Class was going to start in 30 minutes and Beomgyu was still on his bed, cuddled up with Taehyun. Beomgyu knew that Taehyun was not in the state to go for classes now so he decided to not wake the younger up.

Stealthily, Beomgyu shuffled away from Taehyun, careful to not wake him up. Just when he thought he could get off and change into a fresh set of clothes, he felt a hand grabbing his arm.

"hyung..." Taehyun mummered softly.

Beomgyu stayed quiet. He reached out to grab his other pillow and placed it beside the younger, hoping to make him think that Beomgyu was still next to him.

and it worked.

Taehyun hugged the pillow and went back to sleep, leaving Beomgyu to get ready for his first class, which was maths.


After his long classes, Beomgyu made his way to the dance studio with Yeonjun, Soobin and Kai.

"so how was the math test?" Kai asked.

"great, i pretty sure i'll get an A+." Yeonjun replied with a proud smile..

"i was watching you the whole time and i didn't even see you touch your pen-" Soobin commented.

"why were you watching me-"

"Anyways, Beomgyu, why wasn't Taehyun present in any of our classes today?" Soobin asked.

Beomgyu zoned out for a while. His mind was filled with thoughts about Taehyun.

who did it? and why?

"beomgyu?" Soobin voiced out a little louder to snap Beomgyu out of his trance.

"um..yes? sorry." Beomgyu shook his head to clear his mind.

"is Taehyun okay?" Kai asked.

"yea, yea he is."

Soon, the boys reached the dance studio. They placed their bags down on the floor and proceeded to do their warm ups.

"so, i see that Taehyun isn't here." Hyunwoo said as he walked up to Beomgyu.

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