Chapter 3: Hershel's farm

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We finally got to the farm and me and Clem got out with Shawn and Chet, those two were saying there goodbyes. Then we saw a old man walk out the front door of the house.

Old man: Thank God, you're ok.

Shawn: I was worried It would be bad here, too.

Shawn then hugged the old man, and the old man hugged Shawn back.

Old man: Been quiet as usual the past couple days. Ol' Breckon down the way thinks his mare's gone lame but that ain't nothing new.

Shawn: I would't have made it back without Chet.

Old man: Well, I'm glad you took him with you then.

The old man then notice me and Clem

Old man: You're brought a couple guests.

Y/N: We need a place to stay. Please.

Old man: You guys are welcome to stay here, but just for the night. I don't run a bed and breakfast. So it's just you and your daughter then.

He says looking at Clem.

Shawn: Oh, not his daughter, he's... well... Just some guy who found her alone.

The old man looks at Clem

Old man: Honey, do you two know this man?

Clementine: Yes.

Old man: Ok then.

He then looks back at me.

Old man: Well, looks like you're exhausted. How about you sit down at the porch.

Y/N: Okay, it'll be nice to get off my feet.

I then sit on the porch. Clem went to the steps.

Y/N: You can sit next to me if you want.

Clementine: Okay.

She got up and sat next to me.

Old man: Seems like things got awful bad in the cities. What'd you say your name was?

Y/N: Y/N.

Old man: Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Hershel Greene. Were you going somewhere out of the city during whatever happened over there?

Y/N: I was heading out of Atlanta.

Hershel: The news says stay.

Y/N: Yeah, I usually don't listen to the news. I hit a guy, one of those things you've been hearing about, on the road.

Hershel: Who were you with? The girl?

Y/N: I was alone. I was heading out of town to visit my family. God, I hope they are alright.

Hershel: I hope they are alright too.

Y/N: Thank you.

Hershel: House is full of mine. We've got another displaced family of three sleeping in the barn. You and your kid are welcome to rest there, when we're done here.

Hershel then looks back at Clem

Hershel: I didn't catch your name honey.

Clementine: Clem-Clementine

Hershel: Can't imagine what you have been though.

Y/N: I'm looking after her.

Shawn then comes back outside.

Shawn: Hey dad, so I'm thinking, first thing tomorrow, we gotta reinforce the fence around the farm.

Hershel: That doesn't seem necessary.

Shawn: I don't know what you saw on TV, or heard on the radio, but there's some serious... SHIT hitting the fan. I don't think anyone knows how big it is yet.

Shawn whispered shit because Clem was here.

Y/N: He's right. You're going to want to fortify this place.

Hershel: Stuff like that doesn't happen around here, Shawn.

Shawn: Dad, I'm serious. Y/N, tell him what you saw out there, man.

Y/N: I got chased by dead people. Sounds silly, but it's true.

Hershel: Well do what you think you should. We've got plenty of chores as it is.

Shawn: Y/N and those folks in the barn can help out in the morning. We gotta do it, really.

Hershel: I already said ok. There's blankets and such in the barn. We'll be seeing you bright and early. Come tomorrow, which way do you think you're headed?

Y/N: Macon, my family should be there.

Hershel walks back in the house.

Y/N: Well then, let's get blankets.

Me and Clem got pillows, blankets, and sheets so we could sleep in the barn. We made our own beds on the floor.

Clementine: It smells like...

Y/N: You know.

Clementine: I miss my mom and dad.

Y/N: I bet you do.

Clementine: How far is Savannah?

Y/N: Pretty far.

Clementine: Oh. Ok.

We then fall asleep.

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