Chapter 23: Boat!

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A/N: I'm skipping the whole sewer part.


I was able to meet a doctor named Vernon while in the sewers, he went with me because I told him about Omid. We made it back to the house. I noticed Clem was nowhere to be seen. I start checking all the rooms. Starting to panic a bit.

Y/N: Clem! Clementine! Where are you!

I walk towards Kenny, he was druck, he was still drinking.

Kenny: Hey you made it back! Good job. Good job.

Y/N: You're drinking?!

Kenny: The hell to you!

Y/N: This won't help anyone!

Kenny: We are fucked! There are no boats! Walkers are everywhere! We got someone on the radio following us! If now ain't the time for a drink?

Y/N: Have you seen Clementine?

Kenny: Damned if I know. Gotta be around here somewhere.

I then run outside. I see the shed and open it to see Clem.

Clementine: Y/N!

She runs up to me and hug me.

Y/N: Hey girl!

Clementine: Come look what I found!

I look inside to see a boat.

Y/N: Holy shit.

Clementine: Swear.

Then Kenny walks over and drops his bottle. He gives a small smile.

We now have a boat! I couldn't believe it. We have a motherfucking boat!

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