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Chapter 1

It wasn't supposed to be this way, Hinata thinks as she gazes down at the adorable face of her son. She had always pictured her children having beautiful blue eyes or the familiar lavender of her own Clan. Instead, her son had obsidian black eyes that were darker than a starless sky. Eyes that were all too familiar.

"Are you hungry?" Hinata asks as she rocks him in her arms protectively as she prepares to nurse him.

Anyone looking at this child would know immediately who his father was. While his hair was midnight blue and lacked his father's spiky texture, he had the same ivory cream colored skin. Seiko also possessed the same proud, aristocratic facial features as his father as well. Features that were far more associated with his father's Clan than her own.

She smiles as she notes that he did have her ears and smile. That and her disposition. He was such a carefree and happy child. There was a piece of her in him as well.

"Let's feed you and put you to bed. I really hope that you learn how to talk fast. It's getting a bit lonely with only Neji and Hanabi to talk to." She mumbles as Seiko nurses happily.

He was completely oblivious to the trouble that his mere existence caused. Hinata knew it wasn't his fault. He didn't choose who his father was. Unfortunately, most of the Leaf Village didn't see it that way.

They knew the truth. One day, there was a good chance that those eyes might turn ruby red like his father's did. The Sharingan ran in his blood. Well at least on one side of his family tree. She half hoped that he would take after her and get the Byakugan instead.

"I suppose I should visit more often, if you are really feeling that lonely. I do visits when I can, Hinata. I'm sorry. It's just that Uncle has people watching me nearly constantly. He knows that I sympathize with your situation." Neji says as he walks into the humble apartment that Hinata had purchased.

"I know. It's not your fault. You weren't the one that became Sasuke Uchiha's lover for one night and didn't think of the potential consequences." She whispers.

Neji sighs. He knew fully well what happened. While he was thankful that his cousin had spared him the graphic details, he knew more than enough to realize how Seiko came into existence.

The young Hyuga thought it was rather unfair that people were treating Hinata like a pariah because she had bore Sasuke a child. It wasn't as though she had planned on doing so. It was just unexpected things happened to people who were alone and about to freeze to death. One's survival instincts would kick in and they seek out whatever warmth they could find. It just happened that in their case that had been each other.

"That's no excuse. They're mostly upset because of who his father is and that you decided to keep Seiko. That and they actually think that you had any idea where Sasuke went after that night and were withholding important information from the Hokage. Madness. They'll come around eventually. Our Clan might not, but the rest of the village will." He assures her.

Hinata sighs and nods. She wanted to believe that. Truly, she did. Unfortunately, she did it. As she glances at Seiko's adorable face, Hinata couldn't help but remember what got her into this situation.

She had been on a mission with Team Eight in the Snow Country. They were going to try to strengthen the Leaf's alliance with that country. The good news is that they were successful. The bad news is just as they were leaving, a bad blizzard hit.

"Hinata, we have to take shelter from the storm. Can you use your Byakugan and find us a place?" Kiba asked.

"Yes! BYAKUGAN!" Hinata called out as her bloodline activated and she scanned their surroundings for a place to take shelter from the most brutal storm that she had ever seen in her life.

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