Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Tsunade had just finished a physical, when she was walking down the hall and saw them. Hinata, Sasuke, Seiko, and Naruto. Uh oh. She knew that Sasuke was back and had been for awhile, but she hadn't seen him since his return.

"What's wrong?" The busty blonde demands.

"We should probably go into one of the exam rooms before we tell you. It's more private there." Hinata says quickly.

Tsunade raises an eyebrow. She could only imagine what sort of medical issue might require more privacy. That certainly didn't sound good. Her imagination coming up with all sorts of gruesome possibilities.

"Alright. Follow me." She says as she leads them into an empty exam room.

Once they were inside, Naruto shuts the door behind them. That only further solidified Tsunade's feeling of dread. Something was going on and she doubted that it was good.

"What on Earth is going on?" She demands again.

"It's Seiko, Granny Tsunade. He used Chidori." Naruto says and the other blonde raises an eyebrow.

"Seiko isn't even a year old. There is no possible way that he could use an attack of that level or any attack other than gumming someone to death at this point." She replies.

"It wasn't Chidori exactly. More like a predecessor to it. Hinata, maybe you should explain. You're the only one who saw him use it." Sasuke says.

Hinata sighs and nods. She wasn't exactly sure how to explain this to Tsunade. She knew that she had to try though. It was for Seiko.

"Kaiz walked over and started provoking me. He picked up Seiko and he didn't like that very much. Suddenly, Kaiz cried out in pain and accused Seiko of electrocuting him. He was surrounded by a blue light that is similar to Sasuke's Chidori. It didn't have the same intensity and it was clearly unrefined. I think it works in manner similar to how the Kazekage's sand operates." She says.

Tsunade blinks. She had never known Hinata to lie or even to exaggerate. If she sincerely thought her son was using a mild form of Chidori, then he probably was.

"I'll run some tests. First, I'll check his chakra pathways" She muses as she proceeds to do so.

Seiko coos at Tsunade. It was the Balloon Lady again. He knew her. It had been awhile since he saw this lady. He giggles when she begins "tickling" him to hook him up to the machine.

"Alright. On the left side of the screen are what we would expect to see in the chakra pathways to be like in a normal infant. On the right, we see Seiko's. His are more advanced than I would think most people would have expected. There doesn't appear to be any damage though. I'll run more tests, just to be on the safe side." Tsunade informs them.

Seiko was decidedly less happy to see Tsunade, two hours later. The medic had performed every test she could think of on the infant. All of them came back normal. Naturally, the youngest Uchiha didn't understand any of this though. He was now bawling to show his displeasure at being poked and prodded so much.

"Well other than his chakra pathways being more advanced than normal, I can't find anything wrong with him. I don't see any damage to the pathways. As of now, I think he's fine. This may just be a one time event. Watch him carefully. If he uses chakra again, bring him to the hospital immediately." Tsunade says.

"It's alright. She's all done with the tests now." Sasuke says as he scoops up the wailing infant.

Seiko sniffles and snuggles into Sasuke's chest. As he does so, he glares at the Balloon Lady. She'd never poked him that much before. What was her problem?

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