Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Six months had passed and Sasuke was settling into a domestic life. People still looked at him with a combination of awe and terror, but that didn't really matter too much to him at the moment. They were slowly getting used to him.

"Sasuke, do you have any crayons?" Hinata asks as she peeks through the doorway of his classroom.

"There should be some in Iruka's desk. Third drawer down." Sasuke replies.

Hinata was teaching the youngest students and Sasuke was teaching the oldest. Iruka was still teaching the children in the "middle" and was currently in charge of the Academy overall.

"Thanks!" She says and scurries off.

It was decided that Sasuke should teach the oldest children in an effort to soothe the anxieties of some very worried parents. Most didn't want Sasuke Uchiha near their children, especially not the younger children. So Sasuke teaching the oldest set of children had been the compromise.

Hinata was a natural with small children. In Sasuke's mind, it only made sense that she would deal with the youngest students. That left Iruka stuck in the middle. Though the eldest Uchiha suspected that Iruka was grateful for the extra help.

"Today, we are going to cover Geography. Can anyone tell me the names of the Five Great Ninja Nations?" Sasuke asks his class, once Hinata had left.

Not surprisingly, nearly every female hand in the class shot up. There were some boy hands, but in general the boys knew better. The girls were quite competitive academically and the boys preferred to show off with Taijutsu or Ninjutsu.

Sasuke was pretty sure that the two genders were just wired differently in that way. He remembered a similar pattern in his own class. Hinata disagreed. She thought that the children were just conditioned from a young age by society. Boys were encouraged to be aggressive and girls were encouraged to display other traits.

"Kaiko." He says simply, calling on a young brunette.

"The Fire Nation, Wind Nation, Water Nation, Earth Nation, and Lightning Nation." She answers his question.

"Very good. That's correct." Sasuke replies.

He never imagined that he'd be an Academy Instructor. Sasuke didn't really mind the job. It meant that he was close to Hinata and it wasn't dangerous. That meant that there was a high chance that he would actually live long enough to watch Seiko grow up. That and his students could also be amusing at times.

The most annoying aspects of the job were the occasional paper cut and the oldest girls. Most of them had already developed crushes on him. He didn't really know why. Clearly, they had to know that he was already taken and they were all way too young for him to have any interest in them, even if he wasn't.

"Can anyone tell me what are the two most dangerous things that a ninja traveling to the Sand Village faces?" He asks.

Another hand went up. This time it was a boy. Brave boy, Sasuke thinks to himself. He was actually willing to risk "stealing" the limelight from his female classmates.

"Yes, Keita?" Sasuke calls on him.

"Sandstorms and heatstroke." The sandy blonde informs him.

"That's correct." The eldest Uchiha says with a smile.

Well at least they were smarter than the class he had been stuck with. That was something. Then again, they had a very good incentive to learn. They were being taught by him. While their parents were certainly iffy on him at best, children were simpler creatures.

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