Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Hinata couldn't believe this. It was one thing for her father to disown them, but he had no right to interfere in their lives afterwards. As much as she loved her father, she was a grown woman now. He had no right to try to control her or her family.

It was scary. Hinata had never been a violent or angry person. She had never really felt the need to get revenge on anyone. It was an overwhelming emotion. It felt like fire was coursing through her veins and there was only one way to make it stop. She had to confront her father.

"I want to see Lord Hiashi." The bluenette says once she arrives at the Hyuga Estate.

Thankfully, it was Neji that she happened to run into first. Neji was her friend. None of this was his fault. He wouldn't be a casualty of her anger. Hinata wasn't sure if that would have been the case for someone else though.

"Hinata, what are you doing here?" Neji asks in surprise.

After the disownment, she had only returned to the Hyuga Estate once. That had been with Sasuke and for First Blood. Neji was truly at a loss for why she would return to the Estate now.

"I need to speak with my father. He tried to encourage Sasuke to abandon Seiko. He has no right to try to do that. Lord Hiashi disowned us. He has forfeited all rights to such things." She says.

Neji blinks. He had never seen Hinata truly angry before. Even after Hiashi had exiled her from the Clan, she had been more brokenhearted than angry. Quite frankly, the prodigy didn't know how to react to this new side of his cousin.

"Hinata, are you sure that's a good idea? Perhaps it would be best to wait a few days. Give yourself time to calm down. You don't want to do or say anything that you might regret." The lavender eyed man pleads with her.

"Neji, I need to do this. Please take me to him or I will find him myself." Hinata tells her cousin.

The other Hyuga bites his lower lip in concern. He couldn't foresee anyway that this would possibly end well. A reconciliation was currently highly unlikely, but it would be impossible after whatever Hinata had in mind.

"Neji, it's alright. I'm here. Would you kindly hold Seiko while I make sure that the Estate is still standing by the end of their discussion?" Sasuke asks as he appears in a swirl of flames with Seiko in his arms.

The other Hyuga sighs as he takes Seiko into his arms. If anyone was going to be able to calm Hinata down, it was probably going to be Sasuke. Someone needed to make sure that Seiko didn't get caught in the crossfire. Apparently, that someone was him.

"Alright. I still don't think this is a good idea, but I'll watch him." Neji promises him.

"Thank you." Sasuke says with a smile.

Hinata eyes Sasuke warily. She wasn't entirely sure what her lover was going to do about the situation. It didn't look like he was going to try to talk her out of it, but with Sasuke it was difficult to tell.

"Sasuke, I'm not changing my mind." She says firmly.

"I know you aren't. I'm just here to minimize the damage. I don't like your father, Hinata. I won't lie about that, but I know you. You are going to feel guilty, if you take things too far. So I'm not going to allow that to happen." The raven haired

Hinata sighs. She knew that he was just trying to help, but she really wished that he hadn't brought Seiko with him. He didn't need to see this.

"Alright. Neji?" She asks, once more.

"Very well. I can see that you've made your decision. I'll take you too him." Neji says with a defeated sigh as he leads them further into the Estate.

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