Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Sasuke, do you really think it was a good idea to take Seiko with us on our Honeymoon?" Hinata asks as they arrive at their destination and get off Aoda, a few hours later.

Sasuke smiles as he gives Seiko a ride on his back. Seiko certainly loved being carried and picked up. Idly, the eldest Uchiha notes that his son was a surprisingly social creature.

That was until he heard Hinata question. Sasuke couldn't help frown as he considers a reply. He didn't want to alarm his wife, but Sasuke couldn't lie to her.

"We can always have clones and Aoda watch him. I didn't want to leave him alone in that village. Not with your Clan lurking around." He admits.

"Sasuke! You don't actually think that they would hurt him, do you?!" She asks in horror.

Sasuke shakes his head. He doubted that they would go that far. He knew the Hyugas though. They would go to extremes, but find a way to make it socially acceptable.

"Hinata, I love you. I can't say the same for most of your family. Well except for Seiko, Hanabi, and Neji. We are talking about the Clan that enslaves half of its members based solely on when they were born and who their parents are. I think there are few things that they aren't capable of." Sasuke mutters.

"Father was at our wedding though." She says.

"So were the Elders. I don't think they support our marriage either. It's alright though. We'll keep each other and Seiko safe. That's all that really matters." Sasuke tells her as he kisses her forehead and leads her inside the Inn that they were staying at.

It was beautiful, Hinata thinks to herself. A baby blue one story building with a glorious rose garden out in the front and hot springs in the back. Despite only being one story, it was large because it was long. The windows were made of colorful glass, which looked enchanting when the sunlight struck them the right way.

"Preee-tttt-eee." Seiko says as he stares wide eyed at the windows.

"Yes, pretty. Very good, Seiko. I felt the same way the first time I saw your mother in that cave." Sasuke says with a smirk and Hinata's face burns bright red.

"Mommyyy prree-ttt-ee." Seiko says proudly, obviously rather pleased with his own cleverness.

Sasuke nods in agreement and the small family walk inside the Inn. Hinata walks a few steps ahead of them. The eldest Uchiha had suggested earlier that people might be a little less frightened, if the new Uchiha Matriarch went first.

His reputation was recovering, but many people were still frightened of him. That was fine. The only people that Sasuke cared about were Hinata, Seiko, Naruto, and Hinata's friends. Everyone else was just background noise to him. Easily ignored.

"Hello. I'm Hinata. My husband and I booked two rooms here recently. Are they ready?" She asks sweetly.

He still wasn't entirely sure how he had ended up with such a gentle woman for his wife. In the back of his mind, an old saying popped into his head. Opposites attract. Maybe that was all there was to it.

"Oh yes. Of course. Rooms 327 and 328." The receptionist says as she hands Hinata the keys.

"Thank you." Hinata says as she gestures for Sasuke and Seiko to follow her.

Sasuke does so. Seiko might have been on his back and enjoying his piggyback ride, but the receptionist suddenly looked rather frightened. Sasuke tries his best not to roll his eyes as he follows Hinata. Who could be upset when such a lovely view was being presented to them?

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