Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"This is absurd. It should not be that difficult to get the Uchiha away from Hinata and Seiko." One of the elders mutters in annoyance.

"There has to be a way that we can manage it." Hizo growls in frustration.

Ayumi sighs. It was becoming rather clear that the small family was nearby inseparable. They were going to have to take drastic measures, if they ever wanted to kill him.

"It's a rather dishonorable move, but I believe that I may have a way to get him away from our kin long enough to dispatch him." The Hyuga woman says.

That immediately got everyone's attention. All of them wanted Sasuke out of the picture. While none of them were particularly thrilled that Sasuke had managed to "pollute the bloodline," they all knew that Seiko would likely grow up to be a powerful ninja. Certain allowances could be made for him. Not for Sasuke though.

"What did you have in mind?" Amaya asks softly.

"If we say that we wish to do the Yurushi Ceremony, he'll have to come alone to make the preparations. Only the Patriarchs of our Clan can prepare for such a thing." She reasons.

Yurushi meant forgiveness. The Forgiveness Ceremony was an ancient tradition. Whenever Clans had feuded with each other or had strife between them in the past, there was always the option of this ceremony. Essentially, it wiped the slate between the rival Clans clean.

It was rarely done. Clans were institutions based on honor and tradition. Forgiveness was not something that came easily. Generally, this type of ceremony was only reserved for the most severe of occasions. In a way, it was even more somber than First Blood.

"I am loathed to tar such a sacred tradition with murder, but it seems we have no choice. Very well. It seems that we will have to take some unsavory actions to save our Clan and this village from that demon." Hizo whispers.

The gravity of the situation was not lost on him. He hated that it had come down to this. The Forgiveness Ceremony would forever be tainted.

No one would ever find out the truth besides them, but it would be tainted. It was dishonorable and made his heart ache with guilt. Hitzo realized that by doing this, he was practically spitting on his ancestors' graves. Unfortunately, he had no other choice.

"Let us begin. There is no time to waste!" He says.

Hitzo smiles when a chorus of agreement is heard from his fellow conspirators. If nothing else, he knew that he could count on them. They were all in this together. They would find a way to kill a demon.

Meanwhile Sasuke smiles as Seiko was playing with Garuda. Their son was absolutely fearless. He wasn't sure whether to be proud or a little worried by that fact.

"Garrr-rude-DA!" Seiko cries out happily as he pets the bird.

"It's a good thing that your Summons like children so much." Hinata muses with a giggle as she leans back into his embrace.

Sasuke nods in agreement. Thank goodness for that. If that hadn't been the case, he would have kept their son far away from Aoda and Garuda. Thankfully, the two of them were quite happy in their roles as unofficial babysitters.

Seiko coos and giggles with delight as he pets the massive hawk. He loved the feeling of Garuda's feathers underneath his hands. He didn't have the vocabulary necessary to describe the sensation even in his head. He just knew that he liked it.

"Yeah. It is. Are you feeling any better? I know that you haven't been feeling well lately. Maybe you should go and see Tsunade." Sasuke says as he kisses his wife's cheek.

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