Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Yes, Hinata. I want to be more than friends." Sasuke said.

Hinata felt her heart begin to race even faster at those words. Instinctively, she knew that there was no going back. For better or for worse, he had said it. She had said it. They both still wanted each other.

"Good. I want that too." She whispers as she turns around to face him.

Sasuke smiles and cups her face in his hands before gently kissing her. Before Seiko and Hinata, he was rarely happy. It was still something of a foreign sensation. He couldn't lie though. Hearing her say that, definitely made him happy.

Hinata shyly returns the kiss. It still amazed her that he was actually capable of being this gentle. It was at odds with the image that he presented to the rest of the world. Her mind drifted back to the First Blood Incident.

"Yeah. I definitely missed this." Sasuek whispers after breaking the kiss and he continues lathering her with soap.

"Mmm me too." She sighs in contentment.

Hinata wasn't really sure why it felt better when Sasuke did it. There was something very soothing and erotic about the way he'd wash her at the same time. It likely had something to do with mismatched set of eyes looking at her with such intensity. One was ruby red and the other was a hypnotic shade of lavender.

Wait. Ruby red? The Sharingan? As far as she could tell, Sasuke either couldn't or wouldn't deactivate his Rinnegan. The same wasn't true for his Sharingan though. Before he had received the Rinnegan during the war, his eyes were also red when they were together.

"Sasuke, your Sharingan is on." She muses.

"Don't worry about it. That just happens sometimes." He tells her as he continues washing her.

Her lover was acting as though he was slightly embarrassed by the situation. That's when it dawned on Hinata. He hadn't done that on purpose.

"Your Sharingan activates when you get excited?" She asks.

Sasuke pauses for a moment and places a few soft kisses down the pale column of her throat. He knew that Hinata was sensitive there and delighted in the quiet mews that the action elicited. Feeling as though he had reestablished control of the situation to a certain extent, he decides to answer her.

"Yes, it does. It's more common associated with fear or anger, but other strong emotions can activate it was well. It's not really something that my family likes to advertise though." He says.

"Oh. Well that's interesting. I won't tell anyone." She promises.

"Good." Sasuke says with a smile as he wraps one hand around her waist and he goes back to kissing her neck.

Warning Lime

Hinata moans quietly and arches into his kisses. That felt nice. It was also nice to know that she affected him that much. He literally couldn't control himself. Well part of himself anyway.

"I like it when you moan for me." Sasuke informs her with a seductive purr to his voice and Hinata shivers.

"I like it when you touch me." She confesses and her creamy white skin was suddenly tinged with a rosy blush.

There really was no seduction in those words. It was the honesty of them that sent a jolt of white hot lust racing through his veins though. It was suddenly very tempting just to pin her to the wall and take her, hard and fast.

He knew better than that though. Hinata was still practically an innocent. Sasuke didn't want to scare her off by acting like an animal. For now, he'd have to go slow.

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