Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Seiko watches his father and several other big people frantically getting ready for something. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he was dressed up today. Everyone seemed really excited and happy, except for one person.

He looked like Long Hair, but grumpier. Seiko still wasn't sure who that man was. He never picked him up though. That was weird. Everyone else loved picking him up and cuddling with him.

"Hiashi, I'm warning you. Don't even try it. If you do anything to ruin our wedding, I will kill you. Slowly and painfully." Sasuke warns him as he adjusts his midnight blue wedding kimono.

For some reason, daddy and Grumpy really didn't like each other. Daddy was always glaring at Grumpy. Seiko didn't understand why they hated each other so much, but he had decided that the older Long Hair wasn't a threat to him. If he was, Daddy and Mommy wouldn't have let Grumpy near him.

"I wish that you would cease these death threats. We both know that you aren't actually going to carry them out." Hiashi says.

"Oh really? Try me." Sasuke says as he picks up Seiko and rocks him.

Seiko smiles and coos. He liked when daddy picked him up. It was fun. Maybe daddy would ignore Grumpy now.

"Gentleman, today is a special day. Let's not fight. Shall we get going? Is everyone ready?" Kakashi asks.

"I'm ready." Sasuke says and he glares at Hiashi as if daring him to say something.

Hiashi sighs. Things were not going as he planned. Hinata was still wary of him, but allowed him to visit with Seiko. He had hoped that he could talk some sense into her. Unfortunately, that hadn't happened yet and they were only an hour at most away from her officially marrying the demon.

"Ready! I still say you should have had an official bachelor party, bastard!" Naruto says.

"I have Hinata. I didn't need a stupid party. If you and the others want an easy excuse to look at mostly naked women, find another one." Sasuke says as he rolls his eyes.

Well at least that was something, Hiashi muses. Sasuke was apparently faithful. It seemed that he wouldn't even look at other women. For goodness sakes, even had had a bachelor party. Well he had done so mostly to humor his Clansmen, but Hiashi knew that it still counted.

There were some grumbles from the other men as they set off. Naruto wasn't the only one who was upset by the lack of a party, it seemed. Hiashi just rolls his eyes. Boys would be boys, it seemed.

"I can't believe that you actually wanted to have the wedding here." Hiashi mutters to Sasuke.

"Considering everything that you've done, you owe it to us. Besides, it'll be good for Seiko to see the Hyuga Gardens. They are beautiful, even if most of you are cold fish." Sasuke mutters as they make their way to the alter.

The gardens were beautiful and in full bloom. Sasuke had never seen so many different colored flowers in all of his life before. There were stunning statues, water fountains, and even a few fish ponds here and there.

To Sasuke, the Hyuga Estate was a prison. He couldn't deny that it was a gorgeous prison though. Frankly, Hiashi had probably indirectly done Hinata a favor when he disowned her. Hinata was free now.

"Fiiis fisssh!" Seiko says happily as he toddles by his father's side.

The little boy was clinging tightly to Sasuke's leg in case he lost his balance. Sasuke smiles down at Seiko. He was trying to walk more and more. He fell over about half the time that he tried to walk, but he was trying and getting better at it.

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