Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

A few minutes after the proposal, Hinata hears a knock on the door. The bluenette blinks as she gives Sasuke a short kiss and goes to see who it was. It didn't take long for her to regret that decision.

She immediately slams the door shut. That ought to get the message across. Sasuke had just asked Hinata to marry him. She wasn't going to let her father ruin the moment.

"Hinata, is everything alright?" Sasuke asks in concern as he gets up and strides over to his lover's side.

"I don't know. Hopefully. I think a slammed door in his face should tell him that I don't really want to talk. Maybe, he'll do the right thing and leave." She mutters.

Sasuke raises an eyebrow. His future wife was a very polite woman. There were very few people that he could only imagine eliciting such a reaction from her. Actually, there was really only one person that would make Hinata do that.

"It's Hiashi, isn't it? You could summon Aoda and turn him into snake food." Sasuke reminds her.

"Sasuke, don't tempt me. Hopefully, he just leaves." She mumbles as she rests her head on his shoulder.

Sasuke sighs and wraps his arms around her protective. He couldn't believe that Hiashi actually had the audacity to show up at their home. What did he think was going to happen?

"Hinata, open the door. I just want to talk!" Hiashi's voice rings out.

The raven haired Uchiha rolls his eyes at that. He just wanted to talk. Yes, the young father was certain that was all Hiashi wanted to do. Oh he wanted to talk alright. The Hyuga Patriarch wanted to talk Hinata into leaving him.

"You sure that you don't want to summon Aoda? That or I could fire off a Chidori or two. That might get the message across." Her lover offers.

"Sasuke, behave. You've been doing so well. You don't want to throw that all away because Hiashi upset you." Hinata murmurs.

"I know. He makes it hard not to though. He can't be serious. After everything that he's done, he expects you to actually speak with him? The man is insane." He mutters in disgust.

Hiashi wasn't going to give up though. He was soon pounding on the door. The loud knocking must have woken Seiko up because soon enough aloud wail is heard.

"He's not leaving. Sasuke, will you please check on Seiko? I can handle it." Hinata whispers.

"Are you sure? You don't have to face him alone. You have me." The Uchiha asks.

"I'm sure. That and if he really upsets me, I'll just call out for you. There's nothing to worry about. He's not going to tear our family apart." The bluenette says as she kisses Sasuke's cheek and goes to answer the door.

"That's right. He's not going to tear us apart. I meant it when I gave you that ring. Remember that." The Uchiha tells her.

Hinata nods and Sasuke goes to check on Seiko. There were three things that she was absolutely certain of about her future husband. He loved their son, he was a powerful ninja, and he was an excellent lover.

Hiashi was rather fortunate that Seiko took a higher priority than Chidoring the Hyuga Patriarch in the Uchiha's mind. Otherwise, this might have ended very badly. Hinata sighs as she realizes that it still might and she opens the door.

"Am I going to have to contact the Hokage and inform him that you are trespassing?" She asks.

"Hinata, I know that I have hurt you. I thought that I was doing the right thing. I thought that I was protecting our Clan. You know how important the Byakugan is to our family. It's rare that we allow our Clansmen and Clanswomen to marry outside our Clan. To my knowledge, no Hyuga has ever sired a child with an Uchiha before. You have to understand why I reacted poorly. That's no excuse, but I wanted to explain my reasoning." He says.

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