Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"The most important thing to remember is to grip it properly. If your hold is too gentle, it will fall out of your hands. If your grip is too hard, it will be painful. I know that it's a big sword, but don't let that intimidate you. Just try a few strokes and see how it feels." Sasuke says to Hinata, a few days later.

Her face immediately turns as red as one of his beloved tomatoes and she squeaks. She couldn't believe that he was asking for THAT in such a blatant manner! Not that she was completely opposed to becoming lovers again, but she hadn't expected him to be so direct.

"S-asuke!" She stammers out in shock.

It was a lazy Sunday morning and Sasuke had just fully woken up a few minutes ago. He was eager to begin Hinata's training. The eldest Uchiha had decided he'd begin by teaching her how to properly grip a sword.

Sasuke raises an eyebrow at her unexpected reaction. He had no idea what she was so embarrassed about. Why she blushing about him giving her a few tips on how to hold a sword?

"Hinata, are you alright? I know that you aren't used to playing with swords, but it's just a training session." The raven haired man replies in amusement.

Training Session?! Was that Sasuke's nickname for sex? That was a new one. She still couldn't help but gape at the eldest Uchiha's forwardness.

"I don't know if this is a good idea, but I'm glad that you at least waited until Seiko was at Kurenai's to ask." She whispers..

"Hinata, what are you talking about? Why isn't it right for me to teach you how to use a sword in front of Seiko?" Sasuke asks as he withdraws his blade from its sheathe.

Yesterday, Sasuke had told Hinata that he wanted to begin her training on Sunday. Hinata had woken up before Sasuke and taken Seiko to Kurenai's. The Genjutsu Mistress was also a mother and an excellent Sensei. There were few people that Hinata trusted more with Seiko at the moment and Sasuke hadn't raised any objections to Kurenai watching their son.

Hinata considered that something of a miracle really. Sasuke was extremely protective of Seiko. She supposed that the fact that Kurenai was already a mother probably had something to do with it. She knew what she was doing and Sasuke knew that.

Hinata was distracted from her internal musings, when she saw Sasuke withdraw his sword from its sheathe. Ohhh. Sasuke had meant his actual sword. It wasn't a metaphor for his OTHER sword.

"Oh on second thought, there's absolutely nothing wrong with a training session. You're right. I was just being overprotective." She stammers.

"Alright. If you're sure, I guess we can get started. I had no idea that you felt that strongly about this type of thing. Were you really that worried about dropping the sword while we were training and accidentally hitting Seiko?" Sasuke asks.

He was still utterly baffled at why Hinata was so flustered over a training session. Sasuke was almost positive that she had never held a sword before, but he still thought that Hinata was overreacting. The only logical explanation that he could come up with was that she was worried that Seiko would somehow get hurt, if they trained together.

"A little. I know that it's silly, but I can't help it." She says.

"I wouldn't let anything like that happen. It's not silly though. You're just being a good mother. Though maybe you are being just a little overprotective. Come on. Let's go to the training grounds." Sasuke says as he offers her his hand.

Hinata smiles and takes it. Training was safe. They were both ninjas. It was something both of them understood. While she hadn't used a sword before, it was better than explaining why she had become so flustered when he had given her his helpful tips about the proper way to handle a sword.

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